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Mystery caps on intel se7501cw2 xeon board

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    Mystery caps on intel se7501cw2 xeon board

    hey guys. Anybody know what these are. there is no name. The photo isn't the clearest but there is a little symbol that looks like an F with a a little line above and belove it. Its that fuzzy thing above the temperature rating. Has a sanyo style vent. This one has me stumped. Very curious. since there is no name its impossible to search. haven't seen it in the badcaps list.

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    Re: Mystery caps on intel se7501cw2 xeon board

    Those are polymers. they won't give you any trouble.
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      Re: Mystery caps on intel se7501cw2 xeon board

      Fujitsu polymer capacitors
      better to keep quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt


        Re: Mystery caps on intel se7501cw2 xeon board

        oh awesome. With the vents they seem like lytics. I have a fujitsu scsi drive that is 8 years old that still works after almost 24/7 operation(no there is no important data on it just some mp3s. I only have it for nostalgia and to see how long it will last). they build good stuff. My confidence in this motherboard just went up 1000%. thanks guys.


          Re: Mystery caps on intel se7501cw2 xeon board

          Those three 1000uF, 6.3V caps in the background are Rubycon YXG series parts - decent stuff.
          PeteS in CA

          Power Supplies should be boring: No loud noises, no bright flashes, and no bad smells.
          To kill personal responsibility, initiative or success, punish it by taxing it. To encourage irresponsibility, improvidence, dependence and failure, reward it by subsidizing it.


            Re: Mystery caps on intel se7501cw2 xeon board

            I though these polymers were suspect, I had some go bad on me, I know that, htough they were right next to an old Athalon 1.0Ghz that ran at about 60-70oC, though that could have been a large part of it.

