Re: The Hall of Shame - Badcaps Photo Montage
I have a few of those Nichicon VZ and Rubycon YK in my stash, too - came from some smashed Sony Trinitron TV's, just like yours. Not a single bad one yet. I typically use them in amplifiers and audio circuits, though. They'll probably work there forever.
Yes, in older OEM units (before 2006-2007, I think), Ltec used to not be that bad. But after those years, I think Ltec really took a nosedive in their quality (or whatever was left of it).
Meanwhile, CapXon is still crap and no one can tell when they will fail (typically sooner rather than later). Teapo is... meh. too
In short, I agree that it's pointless to discuss them. They are all pretty bad. But I still think some are worse than others. And that's worth knowing IMO, because at least for me, there are cases where I can't recap everything and need to make a choice which one of these brands I can leave behind for a few more years of service and which should I recap right away. Ideally, I would recap all crap brands, but sometimes either the customer/person who I am doing the repair for and/or personal finances and time just don't allow me to replace all those crap caps. So in those cases, it's usually Taicon, Teapo, Su'scon, and Elite that usually get to wait for a bit longer while CapXon and Ltec usually get booted out.
Originally posted by Heihachi_73
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Originally posted by Wester547
Meanwhile, CapXon is still crap and no one can tell when they will fail (typically sooner rather than later). Teapo is... meh. too
In short, I agree that it's pointless to discuss them. They are all pretty bad. But I still think some are worse than others. And that's worth knowing IMO, because at least for me, there are cases where I can't recap everything and need to make a choice which one of these brands I can leave behind for a few more years of service and which should I recap right away. Ideally, I would recap all crap brands, but sometimes either the customer/person who I am doing the repair for and/or personal finances and time just don't allow me to replace all those crap caps. So in those cases, it's usually Taicon, Teapo, Su'scon, and Elite that usually get to wait for a bit longer while CapXon and Ltec usually get booted out.