I spent 4 hours on the Home Basic edition. What a pig. It is incompatible with a wide variety of stuff, plus slow as hell.
AMD 3200/64 processor, Dell E-series box. Not enough memory at 512mb, but still in the black if opening a web browser.
No Outlook Express
Replacement "Windows Mail" will import some OE files, not others.
No NTBackup
Built in Backup/Restore will not read NTBackup BKF files.
Won't install Quicken 2005 Deluxe at all
Will install Quicken 2005 Basic, but you have to click the data file first.
Refuses McAfee Enterprise 8.0i
Installs McAfee Enterprise 8.5i OK
Office Updates not supported. You must opt-in "Window Updater" instead.
And the most irritating thing is, just like the Mac commercial, it asks your permission for EVERY DAMN THING it does. Truly amazing. I equate this piece of shit with New Coke.
I figure when the Mac will run MS Office and Quickbooks Pro, flawlessly, it is gonna beat Windows ass. FTR, I am not a Mac fan (nor disparager).
AMD 3200/64 processor, Dell E-series box. Not enough memory at 512mb, but still in the black if opening a web browser.
No Outlook Express
Replacement "Windows Mail" will import some OE files, not others.
No NTBackup
Built in Backup/Restore will not read NTBackup BKF files.
Won't install Quicken 2005 Deluxe at all
Will install Quicken 2005 Basic, but you have to click the data file first.
Refuses McAfee Enterprise 8.0i
Installs McAfee Enterprise 8.5i OK
Office Updates not supported. You must opt-in "Window Updater" instead.
And the most irritating thing is, just like the Mac commercial, it asks your permission for EVERY DAMN THING it does. Truly amazing. I equate this piece of shit with New Coke.
I figure when the Mac will run MS Office and Quickbooks Pro, flawlessly, it is gonna beat Windows ass. FTR, I am not a Mac fan (nor disparager).