Now that my de-soldering gun is working i was able to remove this panel i made about a week before i noticed a issue the F segment of digits 2 and 3 would go out, digit 2 would go before digit 3, but would come back after the humidity got down from running the ac (note the weather outside is 30.5 / 74%; panel data is from a BME280)

Temp is on the left humidity is on the right
i noticed when the humidity got up one or 2 of the center digits on the right panel would loose a segment
The pin out looking down from the top is (note this is common cathode)
upon taking my meter to it i found 40-100k resistance between the cathode of pins labeled 2 and 3 (should be NC), it would also read as a defective capacitor
got it off the board and checked the pins and got near 100k, noticed what looked like some flux around the base of the pins on the part, cleaned it off and resistance is gone
is the crappy flux from the hardware store absorbing humidity and becoming conductive? maybe is was flux from my solder?
Temp is on the left humidity is on the right
i noticed when the humidity got up one or 2 of the center digits on the right panel would loose a segment
The pin out looking down from the top is (note this is common cathode)
1 A F 2 3 B E D . C G 4
got it off the board and checked the pins and got near 100k, noticed what looked like some flux around the base of the pins on the part, cleaned it off and resistance is gone
is the crappy flux from the hardware store absorbing humidity and becoming conductive? maybe is was flux from my solder?