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conspiracy or truth? about win 10

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    conspiracy or truth? about win 10

    Hi guys is this a conspiracy or does this hold any water;

    Spycrosoft windowze 10 will be like OSX 10.9 or 10.10 and REQUIRE a hotmail account or in the case of OSX and Apple Account.

    New Hotmail accounts REQURE a phone Number that they can Text to.

    More Disturbing is their Privacy statement or lack therof.

    Their Location Disservice.

    Their Turning on your camera and Microphone.

    “Microsoft collects information about you, your devices, applications and networks, and your use of those devices, applications and networks. Examples of data we collect include your name, email address, preferences and interests; browsing, search and file history; phone call and SMS data; device configuration and sensor data(GeekSPEAK For Mic and Camera); and application usage."

    The company also adds how agreeing to the the permissions, it is also asserting its right to collect users' voice data and information about the files users open.

    They sample keystrokes and voice commands (Like a website to your bank, the login, and password.) So 10 has built in keylogger and video and audio surveilance.

    We may disclose information and content to Microsoft affiliates and vendors; when required by law or to respond to valid legal process like suing you for pirating our software and we may refer the matter to law enforcement.

    The data collection and Anti privacy features are turned ON automatically and you do not have the ability to OPT OUT or turn these features off. (In plain english use of these apps is consent to monitoring.)

    In plain english they reserve the right to have your Full Name, Location, Phone Number, Picture of you, Sample of your voiceprint, websites you visit like your bank, your Skype calls, your naughty sites, and "samples" of your keystrokes aka your login and password.

    Mr. Fox said:
    @Name Redacted, as a matter of public interest, this kind of condemnation needs to be posted in a freely accessible, Googlicious public forum. It won't fix stupid, but it might cause a few intelligent people to think twice before downloading the latest and greatest malware from Windoze Corruptdate or upgrading their OS. Letting Micro$haft have free reign is like an electronic version of having unprotected sensual contact with a new stranger every night.

    So, we see their true colors are finally shining through as we approach RTM. No wonder they are planning to give it away. It's all part of their diabolical plan. The adware-infested Modern Apps have proven the sheeple are ready for Phase II. They should call it Microsoft Skynet 666 instead of Windows 10.

    Isn't it amazing what selling your soul can get you for "free" LOL? They will have their own zombie-bot fleet, complete with official signed drivers and firmware, ready to harvest personal information for the Redmond Mafia and eavesdrop for the federal government as necessary... subject to subpoena, or the "Patriot Act" of course. But, like Ragu, it's in there.

    I'll gladly stick with my older, less "secure" spyware-free Micro$haft operating systems, thank you very much. Just because it is "authorized" for what some might regard as a good cause does not mean that it is actually OK or a good cause. Spyware is spyware no matter if the guys are wearing a white hat or a black hat and covering their faces with a bandanna.

    Oh, but Mr. Fox, it's going to have DirectX 12... OMG, OMG!! DirectX 12! LOL.

    Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

    you can keep the spyware and Directed-X

    i'm sticking with Open-GL


      Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

      you keep DirectedX and Crashplayer, I will keep openGL and webGL thank you! Also, the only spyware on my computer is chromium i will stay POSIX compliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /end Unix fanboy rant.
      Things I've fixed: anything from semis to crappy Chinese $2 radios, and now an IoT Dildo....

      "Dude, this is Wyoming, i hopped on and sent 'er. No fucking around." -- Me

      Excuse me while i do something dangerous

      You must have a sad, sad boring life if you hate on people harmlessly enjoying life with an animal costume.

      Sometimes you need to break shit to fix it.... Thats why my lawnmower doesn't have a deadman switch or engine brake anymore

      Follow the white rabbit.


        Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

        Things I've fixed: anything from semis to crappy Chinese $2 radios, and now an IoT Dildo....

        "Dude, this is Wyoming, i hopped on and sent 'er. No fucking around." -- Me

        Excuse me while i do something dangerous

        You must have a sad, sad boring life if you hate on people harmlessly enjoying life with an animal costume.

        Sometimes you need to break shit to fix it.... Thats why my lawnmower doesn't have a deadman switch or engine brake anymore

        Follow the white rabbit.


          Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

          ditch chromium and use Iron from SR-ware.


            Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

            Originally posted by goontron View Post
            iWatch(you), iSheep

            iSell iOut to iCult
            "pokemon go... to hell!"

            EOL it...
            Originally posted by shango066
            All style and no substance.
            Originally posted by smashstuff30
            guilty of being cheap-made!


              Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

              Windows 10 better be amazing or else Microsoft is done!

              And yes, even in the Windows 10 technical preview, many features require logging in with an MS account (Cortana being one of them)...


                Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

                Spycrosoft windowze 10 will be like OSX 10.9 or 10.10 and REQUIRE a hotmail account or in the case of OSX and Apple Account.


                New Hotmail accounts REQURE a phone Number that they can Text to.
                Gmail (or google accounts) also asks for a phone number, helpful in case you forget your password (they send you a code by text) and for other things.

                Android as far as I know also makes you create a gmail account when you buy a new phone, or at least entices you - I remember seeing that when I took my sisters' new Samsung phone out of the box.

                Hotmail is kind of bad choice for microsoft imho (it's out of fashion imho, not a good brand name these days) but it would make sense in a way.

                I don't see the outrage, when Windows 10 is free or a yearly subscription, what's so hard about paying $3-5 on a prepaid simm card and make a bogus hotmail account?


                The rest of the message and the text in privacy statement is basically legalese boilerplate text, it's something the lawyers insist to be there so that microsoft's ass is covered.
                Look up at any EULA at various big software products and you'll see huge walls of text that sound scary but in reality it's not really a big deal.

                “Microsoft collects information about you, your devices, applications and networks, and your use of those devices, applications and networks.

                possible translation ... parts of the operating system like windows update may collect info about hardware to figure out what system drivers may be available for update. Same with the software, various publishers may push updates through windows update or various software update mechanisms.

                Examples of data we collect include your name, email address,
                preferences and interests; browsing, search and file history; phone call and SMS data; device configuration and sensor data(GeekSPEAK For Mic and Camera); and application usage."
                The company also adds how agreeing to the the permissions, it is also asserting its right to collect users' voice data and information about the files users open.

                I see sensor data more like gps, if you hold a windows 10 tablet vertical or horizontal, various parameters that may help microsoft patch or tune windows 10 to reduce battery usage or other stuff.

                The microphone and camera and collecting users' voice data can be explained by something as simple as covering their asses for when someone uses a software like Microsoft's Cortana, an app in which you just speak your question or type it and that gives you results.

                Just like with other similar software, your voice gets sent to a server where it's analyzed and converted to text, then there's search performed, you get results etc... those voices are stored, they're sent to third party servers for quality checking, to figure out and blacklist "bad words" etc.

                Apple does it with Siri already but nobody panics:

                quoting from the article in the link :

                Apple admits that its Siri — an intelligent personal assistant for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices — is collecting and also transmitting users voice data to 3rd party companies, which was disclosed in an unsurprising revelation two weeks back on Reddit.
                Like Us on Facebook:

                FallenMyst, a Reddit user claimed to had recently started a new job with a company called Walk N' Talk Technologies, where job profile requires her to listen voice data collected from Apple, Microsoft users and check for incorrect interpretations.

                “I get to listen to sound bites [sic] and rate how the text matches up with what is said in an audio clip and give feedback on what should be improved.” Fallenmyst wrote. "Guys, I'm telling you, if you've said it to your phone, it's been recorded…and there's a damn good chance a 3rd party is going to hear it,"

                Walk N' Talk Technologies and other similar companies work with Apple and Microsoft to help them improve the accuracy of their intelligent personal assistant applications, Siri, Dictation and Cortana.

                "I heard everything from kiddos asking innocent things like 'Siri, do you like me?' to some guy asking Galaxy to lick his butthole. I wish I was kidding", she disclosed.

                Apple's iOS Software License Agreement also clearly states that, "By using Siri or Dictation, you agree and consent to Apple's and its subsidiaries' and agents' transmission, collection, maintenance, processing, and use of this information, including your voice input and User Data, to provide and improve Siri, Dictation, and dictation functionality in other Apple products and services."

                However, the companies mention deep into their policy agreement that they collect and share your data with their so-called subsidiaries and agents, but those long agreements no one reads and everyone simply clicks, the default option, "accept".

                They sample keystrokes and voice commands (Like a website to your bank, the login, and password.) So 10 has built in keylogger and video and audio surveilance.

                No, more likely it's legalese for the situation where IE or whatever built in browser sends crash reports to Microsoft and of course the last urls you typed in the address bar will be in the report, same for possible text forms, search queries etc. OF course, could also be the case that by default the browser could send feedback periodically to microsoft sending them your browsing history but I doubt there won't be a way to disable that feature.

                All the other stuff can be easily explained or motivated by any sane person that doesn't see conspiracies anywhere.


                  Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

                  NO, IT DOES HAVE A KEYLOGGER.
                  key streamer would be more exact.

                  the excuse is to help improve the auto-spellchecker!!!

                  microsoft really are the devil, if you have an xbox360 and a con-nect then run the xbox in the dash and monitor the cpu usage.
                  then plug the connect in and watch it skyrocket.

                  that bitch is realtime-monitoring the room even when you arent using it.


                    Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

                    There is no conspiracy, Windows 10 is in beta and they have been very clear about collecting data, Windows 7 and 8/8.1 both call back home with user activities to some extent, as does OSX.

                    There is no Hotmail, it became Outlook a while ago.

                    Android, Apple and Windows 8 devices can all be set up with any email.

                    Your browsing habits are tracked anyway regardless of which browser you use unless you are blocking the web trackers.

                    Nobody is forcing you to use Microsoft.


                      Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

                      Originally posted by diif View Post
                      There is no conspiracy, Windows 10 is in beta and they have been very clear about collecting data, Windows 7 and 8/8.1 both call back home with user activities to some extent, as does OSX.

                      There is no Hotmail, it became Outlook a while ago.

                      Android, Apple and Windows 8 devices can all be set up with any email.

                      Your browsing habits are tracked anyway regardless of which browser you use unless you are blocking the web trackers.

                      Nobody is forcing you to use Microsoft.
                      thanks diif; i also think that this is hard wash,cause everybody is giving out their personal info everywhere,and MS don't need to get anybodie's info because we give them our personal info of free will,as we give to Forums,Utube,Facebook,and so on, when i signed in for the free win10 Tp i had to give my email address and info,nobody forced me to.
                      Last edited by ivtec; 05-05-2015, 10:43 AM.


                        Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

                        Seems a bit out of this world.

                        Originally posted by kaboom View Post
                        iWatch(you), iSheep

                        iSell iOut to iCult

                        Originally posted by diif View Post
                        Your browsing habits are tracked anyway regardless of which browser you use unless you are blocking the web trackers.
                        Yep. And you get personalized ads... but I use adblock xD

                        Originally posted by diif View Post
                        Nobody is forcing you to use Microsoft.


                          Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

                          Adblockers don't block trackers like Google Analytics and the like. If you want to do that i suggest Ghostery.

                          If you want further anonymity use a VPN, also handy when torrenting linux ISOs and the like.


                            Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

                            adblockers wont stop o.s. and browser fingerprint requests either.


                              Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

                              Google does all the same thing... in Chrome, Chromebook, Android, all have options (not sure if on by default) to send everything you type to Google to "improve spell check experience" or something like that.

                              It's a fact of modern technology and those that buy things that are designed the opposite, are just suspicious. I bet the NSA owns this



                                Re: conspiracy or truth? about win 10

                                they dont need to, they can get phone data from the backbone between the towers.

