Re: attack of the dustbunnies
Not so funny: plastic can be charged and you should avoid any electrostatic spark. This is a judicious suggetion.
A 20+ years old vacuum, Vorwerk brand - the one I have.
Hmmm ... I can try this option when I'll afford a decent compressor.
BTW, can compressors ionize the air they blow?
Good cleaner and deoxidizer.
Acetone to remove stickers glue and termal compounds: only in open air because it's toxic. Beware: it melts most plastics and remove some pcb coating layers, so don't use on ICs and on any board.
Thanks for the tip.
I did actually open the notebooks I cleaned (already out of warranty): I could clean their heatpipes only by blowing air inside them, clouds of dust came off untill I could see some light through them. Computers became a lot less noisy after the cleaning 
Originally posted by PCBONEZ
Originally posted by PCBONEZ
Originally posted by PCBONEZ
BTW, can compressors ionize the air they blow?
Originally posted by PCBONEZ
Originally posted by PCBONEZ
Originally posted by PCBONEZ
Originally posted by PCBONEZ
