Re: 5.25 floppy
The floppy controller has a data separator whose clock rate has to match the drive.
A 1.2MB floppy has 15 sectors per track and spins at 360RPM, so its data rate is 5400 sectors per minute.
A 1.44MB floppy has 18 sectors per track and spins at 300RPM, so its data rate is also 5400 sectors per minute.
Therefore you should configure your BIOS for a 3.5" 1.44MB drive. In fact in the past I have configured my 1.44MB drive as a 1.2MB FD, and my 1.2MB as a 1.44MB FD, and was still able to read 1.44MB and 1.2MB diskettes in their respective drives.
You could Format your diskette via a Windows DOS box by specifying the "F:size" parameter as "F:1200". Alternatively, you could try specifying the "T:tracks" and "N:sectors" parameters (80 and 15, respectively).
The floppy controller has a data separator whose clock rate has to match the drive.
A 1.2MB floppy has 15 sectors per track and spins at 360RPM, so its data rate is 5400 sectors per minute.
A 1.44MB floppy has 18 sectors per track and spins at 300RPM, so its data rate is also 5400 sectors per minute.
Therefore you should configure your BIOS for a 3.5" 1.44MB drive. In fact in the past I have configured my 1.44MB drive as a 1.2MB FD, and my 1.2MB as a 1.44MB FD, and was still able to read 1.44MB and 1.2MB diskettes in their respective drives.
You could Format your diskette via a Windows DOS box by specifying the "F:size" parameter as "F:1200". Alternatively, you could try specifying the "T:tracks" and "N:sectors" parameters (80 and 15, respectively).
C:\>format /? Formats a disk for use with MS-DOS. FORMAT drive: [/V[:label]] [/Q] [/F:size] [/B | /S] [/C] FORMAT drive: [/V[:label]] [/Q] [/T:tracks /N:sectors] [/B | /S] [/C] FORMAT drive: [/V[:label]] [/Q] [/1] [/4] [/B | /S] [/C] FORMAT drive: [/Q] [/1] [/4] [/8] [/B | /S] [/C] /V[:label] Specifies the volume label. /Q Performs a quick format. /F:size Specifies the size of the floppy disk to format (such as 160, 180, 320, 360, 720, 1.2, 1.44, 2.88). /B Allocates space on the formatted disk for system files. /S Copies system files to the formatted disk. /T:tracks Specifies the number of tracks per disk side. /N:sectors Specifies the number of sectors per track. /1 Formats a single side of a floppy disk. /4 Formats a 5.25-inch 360K floppy disk in a high-density drive. /8 Formats eight sectors per track. /C Tests clusters that are currently marked "bad."