Was reading the thread "<plays taps> 500GB bites the dust..."
There it was mentioned that oxidation of the HDA contacts on the PCB is a common mode of failure on modern hard drives.
As I had never heard of this before I went through my pile of dead drives.
They have already had all data recovered and are just in storage before being destroyed permanently as I don't want to risk customers data being adrift...
One drive in particular stood out, a Samsung Spinpoint F1 1TB model HD103UJ
But there where more drives like a HD501LJ and several Western Digital drives with the same issue too.
This Spinpoint F1 was decommissioned because it was racking up on bad sectors, it was up to 30MB at this point, I even posted about it in the hard drive failure thread.
When I tried running Samsung ESTOOL on it back in 2011 it stopped with a message asking to RMA the drive if it was within warranty due to bad sectors.
As you can see from the above the oxidation was really bad.
I cleaned it with a rubber and then some IPA.
After this ESTOOL passes, only complaining about bad sectors in one area of the drive.
I ran HDD Scan after this, and there are some drops in speed.
I'm thinking this is where the drive has reallocated sectors.
So the drive has to seek while doing the sequential test, thus creating those spikes...
So it would be interesting to delete the drives list of reallocated sectors and then make a new scan, but I don't know how to do that.
I also went through my box of decommissioned drives not due to problems but old age.
It's all the same here, extreme oxidation on pretty much all "modern" SATA drives.
But my old SCSI and IDE drives are fine because they where not victim of the RoHS directive!
HDAT2 S.M.A.R.T report and VERIFY/WRITE/VERIFY test:
There it was mentioned that oxidation of the HDA contacts on the PCB is a common mode of failure on modern hard drives.
As I had never heard of this before I went through my pile of dead drives.
They have already had all data recovered and are just in storage before being destroyed permanently as I don't want to risk customers data being adrift...
One drive in particular stood out, a Samsung Spinpoint F1 1TB model HD103UJ
But there where more drives like a HD501LJ and several Western Digital drives with the same issue too.
This Spinpoint F1 was decommissioned because it was racking up on bad sectors, it was up to 30MB at this point, I even posted about it in the hard drive failure thread.
When I tried running Samsung ESTOOL on it back in 2011 it stopped with a message asking to RMA the drive if it was within warranty due to bad sectors.
As you can see from the above the oxidation was really bad.
I cleaned it with a rubber and then some IPA.
After this ESTOOL passes, only complaining about bad sectors in one area of the drive.
I ran HDD Scan after this, and there are some drops in speed.
I'm thinking this is where the drive has reallocated sectors.
So the drive has to seek while doing the sequential test, thus creating those spikes...
So it would be interesting to delete the drives list of reallocated sectors and then make a new scan, but I don't know how to do that.
I also went through my box of decommissioned drives not due to problems but old age.
It's all the same here, extreme oxidation on pretty much all "modern" SATA drives.
But my old SCSI and IDE drives are fine because they where not victim of the RoHS directive!
HDAT2 S.M.A.R.T report and VERIFY/WRITE/VERIFY test:
******************************************************************************** HDAT2 v5.0 (c) 2013 CBL 15.10.2016 16:01:36 ******************************************************************************** Read Attribute Data [SAMSUNG HD103UJ] ******************************************************************************** HEX ID# S Attribute name Threshold Value Worst Raw data DEC-> ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 01h 1 Raw Read Error Rate 51 100 98 - 00-0000-0000-005B-62h CR OC PR ER 03h 3 Spin-Up Time 11 73 73 8890 00-0000-0000-22BA-49h CR OC PR 04h 4 Spin-Up Times / Start/Stop Count 0 98 98 2080 00-0000-0000-0820-62h OC EC SP 05h 5 Reallocated Sectors Count 10 100 100 0 00-0000-0000-0000-64h CR OC EC SP 07h 7 Seek Error Rate 51 100 100 0 00-0000-0000-0000-64h CR OC PR ER 08h 8 Seek Time Performance 15 100 100 0 00-0000-0000-0000-64h CR PR SP 09h 9 Power-On Time 0 98 98 12622 00-0000-0000-314E-62h OC EC SP 0Ah 10 Spin-Up Retry Count 51 100 100 0 00-0000-0000-0000-64h CR OC EC SP 0Bh 11 Drive Calibration Retry Count 0 100 100 0 00-0000-0000-0000-64h OC EC 0Ch 12 Drive Power Cycle Count 0 98 98 2069 00-0000-0000-0815-62h OC EC SP 0Dh 13 Soft Read Error Rate 0 100 98 91 00-0000-0000-005B-62h OC PR ER B7h 183 SATA Downshift Error Count 0 100 100 98 00-0000-0000-0062-64h OC EC SP B8h 184 End-to-end Error Count 0 100 100 0 00-0000-0000-0000-64h CR OC EC SP BBh 187 * Uncorrectable Error Count 0 100 100 391 00-0000-0000-0187-64h OC EC SP BCh 188 Command Timeout Error Count 0 100 100 0 00-0000-0000-0000-64h OC EC SP BEh 190 Airflow Temperature 0 84 65 - 00-0000-1010-0010-41h OC SP C2h 194 HDA Temperature 0 83 65 17øC/62.6øF 00-0000-1110-0011-41h OC SP C3h 195 Hardware ECC Recovered 0 100 100 - 00-0000-0000-00D2-64h OC ER EC C4h 196 Reallocation Event Count 0 100 100 0 00-0000-0000-0000-64h OC EC SP C5h 197 ! Current Pending Sectors Count 0 100 100 3 00-0000-0000-0003-64h OC EC C6h 198 Uncorrectable Sectors Count (UNC) 0 100 100 0 00-0000-0000-0000-64h EC SP C7h 199 * Ultra DMA CRC Error Count 0 100 99 1453 00-0000-0000-05AD-63h OC PR ER EC SP C8h 200 Write Error Rate/Count 0 100 100 0 00-0000-0000-0000-64h OC ER C9h 201 Soft Read Error Rate 0 253 253 - 00-0000-0000-0000-FDh OC ER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S(tatus): * = Warning ! = Error Attribute flags: CR - Pre-Failure OC - Online collection PR - Performance related ER - Error rate EC - Events count SP - Self-preserve -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thresholds revision: 0010h Data revision: 0010h Thresholds checksum: O.K. [reported 10h, should be 10h] Data checksum: O.K. [reported 99h, should be 99h]
******************************************************************************** HDAT2 v5.2 (c) 2016 CBL 16.10.2016 17:23:45 ******************************************************************************** LOG: Fix with VERIFY/WRITE/VERIFY [SAMSUNG HD103UJ] ******************************************************************************** Device parameters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model : SAMSUNG HD103UJ Device : SATA Serial number : S13PJDWQ205941 Firmware : 1AA01117 Device sectors: 1953525168 [1.00 TB] Sector size : physical 512 bytes = 1 logical x 512 bytes ATA C/H/S : 16383/16/63 Current C/H/S : 16383/16/63 BIOS C/H/S : 1023/240/63 BIOS sectors : 15467760 [7.92 GB] DPT C/H/S : 16383/16/63 (not valid) DPT sectors : 1953525168 [1.00 TB] Max. LBA mode : 48-bits Cache : 33.55 MB SMART : enabled, status: ERROR ATA major ver.: ATA/ATAPI 3 4 5 6 7 ATA minor ver.: ATA8-ACS rev.3b Mode supported: Ultra DMA 7/ATA166 Mode active : Ultra DMA 6/ATA133 Translation : ? Base unit size: decimal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test parameters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of test : Fix with VERIFY/WRITE/VERIFY Used commands/access: 1. VERIFY : ATA_NON_DATA [48-bits] 2. WRITE : PIO_MULTI [48-bits] 3. VERIFY : ATA_NON_DATA [48-bits] Error mode : SECTOR MODE First LBA sector: 0 Last LBA sector: 1953525167 Tested sectors : 1953525168 [1.00 TB] Test buffer size: 784 sectors [401.41 KB] Write pattern : 'HDAT' Test direction : forward SMART in test : disabled -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Report: pass 1 of 1 Start of test: 16.10.2016 11:27:42.50 *** 1. ERROR BLOCK 0006610688-0006611471 1. VERIFY : 0006610688-0006611471 Uncorrectable data error --> switch to sector mode 1. VERIFY : 0006611409 Uncorrectable data error 2. WRITE : 0006611409 O.K. 3. VERIFY : 0006611409 O.K. 1. VERIFY : 0006611410 Uncorrectable data error 2. WRITE : 0006611410 O.K. 3. VERIFY : 0006611410 O.K. 1. VERIFY : 0006611411 Uncorrectable data error 2. WRITE : 0006611411 O.K. 3. VERIFY : 0006611411 O.K. 1. VERIFY : 0006611412 Uncorrectable data error 2. WRITE : 0006611412 O.K. 3. VERIFY : 0006611412 O.K. 1. VERIFY : 0006611413 Uncorrectable data error 2. WRITE : 0006611413 O.K. 3. VERIFY : 0006611413 O.K. 1. VERIFY : 0006611414 Uncorrectable data error 2. WRITE : 0006611414 O.K. 3. VERIFY : 0006611414 O.K. 1. VERIFY : 0006611415 Uncorrectable data error 2. WRITE : 0006611415 O.K. 3. VERIFY : 0006611415 O.K. End of test : 16.10.2016 14:29:45.15 COMMAND ERRORS: 1. VERIFY = 1 block(s) 7 sector(s) 2. WRITE = 0 block(s) 0 sector(s) 3. VERIFY = 0 block(s) 0 sector(s) NUMBER OF SECTORS: Tested = 1953525168 [1.00 TB] Elapsed time: 03:02:02.65