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So.... How do I work this??

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    So.... How do I work this??

    My uncle gave me a Quantum Altas V, 3.5 series hard drive earlier this year and I have no idea how to work the thing whatsoever. It is a SCSI hard drive, utilising the 68 pin SCSI interface. I have an Adaptec AHA-2940 SCSI controller and also a 68 pin SCSI cable that has 2 connectors. Do I need a terminator as well? because my friends told me that the SCSI controller I have auto terminates unplugged connections or something like that?
    And I don't even know what size this hard drive is, but it has marking on the top saying 36.7L. Does this mean it is a 36.7GB hard drive or something like that?
    So how exactly do I work this hard drive? and do I need a terminator?

    Don't find love, let love find you. That's why its called falling in love, because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall. - Anonymous

    Re: So.... How do I work this??

    Also found a sticker near the power connector saying "Ultra 160/LVD/SE" what does that mean? Is it relevant to anything?

    Don't find love, let love find you. That's why its called falling in love, because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall. - Anonymous


      Re: So.... How do I work this??

      this card a bit slow for u160

      The Atlas IV, Atlas V, Atlas 10K, Atlas 10K II, and Atlas 10K III drives are Ultra160 Multi-Mode LVD devices and do not support onboard termination. It is recommended that a 68-pin twisted pair SCSI cable with a LVD/SE multi-mode terminator be used.
      might need to terminate with that card though
      Last edited by willawake; 12-16-2008, 07:37 AM.
      capacitor lab yachtmati techmati


        Re: So.... How do I work this??

        LVD means low voltage diffenertial SCSI. Not compatible with consumer and pro-consumer stuff. LVD is usually used on high end stuff. See if this drive have a jumper that change LVD or HVD modes?

        What is needed is 5V aka HVD high voltage SCSI Diff or wide SCSI 68 pin.

        Cheers, Wizard


          Re: So.... How do I work this??

          Didn't read the last post.
          Find Nedry!

          Check the Vending machines!!

          <----Computer says I need more beer.


            Re: So.... How do I work this??

            Oh, one more, this is 7200rpm drive. SATA 320GB for 55 locally will kick it's butt all over
            and doesn't cost you anything more because you do not have controller for that drive orphan.


              Re: So.... How do I work this??

              you need a 2940W card or newer.w means wide.uw ultra wide.u2w is lvd80
              lvd drives will fall back to se and 40mb rate.


                Re: So.... How do I work this??

                Originally posted by kc8adu
                you need a 2940W card or newer.w means wide.uw ultra wide.u2w is lvd80
                lvd drives will fall back to se and 40mb rate.
                After digging around my shelves, I found this SCSI controller .... kinda repaired it a while ago, used it once or twice and then stored it away on a shelf.

                It's an Adaptec 2940UW and works perfectly without an issue for as far as I know. So is this controller card compatible with the hard drive my uncle gave me? I dunno, but he also gave me that AHA-2940UW controller and it was the only one he had, so I presume it has to be for this SCSI hard drive.

                Don't find love, let love find you. That's why its called falling in love, because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall. - Anonymous


                  Re: So.... How do I work this??

                  now all you need is a 68 pin cable and a terminator.


                    Re: So.... How do I work this??

                    I have a 68 pin cable here already, so is this the terminator I need?


                    I dunno, it's a Foxconn one and supports the 68 pin interface and also has LVD support?

                    Don't find love, let love find you. That's why its called falling in love, because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall. - Anonymous


                      Re: So.... How do I work this??

                      Because the drive seems to be LVD (Low Voltage Differential), but SE (Single Ended) capable, chances are it does not have an inbuilt terminator option

                      LVD drives normally need a SCSI cable with a terminator on the end

                      You'll need to find a manual for the specific drive, and see if there's a jumper labelled TE (Terminator Enable) or equivalent

                      Given you sort out termination, it should work with an Adaptec 2940UW, but limited to the adapter's 40mbps maximum, rather than the drive's 160mbps
                      better to keep quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt


                        Re: So.... How do I work this??

                        A cable like this would do, and suitable for the future, if you got a faster controller

                        LVD SCSI cable with terminator
                        better to keep quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt


                          Re: So.... How do I work this??

                          Today I went to an E-waste recycling place and I bought a 68 pin LVD SCSI cable that had a terminator attached at the end. I haven't tried it out yet, but I bought two cables just in case and I will try it out tomorrow.
                          Better yet, the cable and terminator as well only cost me $1AU and they are in pristine condition as well.

                          Don't find love, let love find you. That's why its called falling in love, because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall. - Anonymous

