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Tualatin SL5XL and matters arising

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    Tualatin SL5XL and matters arising

    Got one of these from eBay

    On the CPU, it states;
    Pentium III-S SL5XL
    Q218A500-0633 1400/512/133/1.45

    I have a number of others, same specification
    However, all these others state 1.5V

    Also, referring to the link below;

    They are stated as being 1.5V parts.

    What do I have here, a fake or worse?
    I may need to bring this matter to the attention of the seller.
    Any help (as usual) appreciated.

    Re: Tualatin SL5XL and matters arising

    stuff it into a board and run cpuz


      Re: Tualatin SL5XL and matters arising

      Someone at Intel got lazy and rounded off 1.45v to 1.5v.
      1.45v is correct all PIII-S with 512k Cache.

      See Vcore (Vcc) in Table 7 on page 19.

      Mann-Made Global Warming.
      - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.

      Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

      - Dr Seuss
      You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.


        Re: Tualatin SL5XL and matters arising

        I agree with pcbonez, the web site is wrong.
        I have an SL5XL which works perfectly and it's also marked 1.45v (just checked it).

        At first I was wondering what yours could possibly be remarked from, and I can't think of anything. The multiplier is locked at 10.5, and there's no such thing as a tualatin 1050/100.


          Re: Tualatin SL5XL and matters arising

          Speaking of which, KC, check your PM's.
          Presonus Audiobox USB, Schiit Magni 3, Sony MDR-V700


            Re: Tualatin SL5XL and matters arising

            There are 100FSB Tualatins but they aren't "-S" and they don't have 512k cache.
            I think they were all "Celeron Tualtins" and not designated P3 at all.
            Mann-Made Global Warming.
            - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.

            Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

            - Dr Seuss
            You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.

