Been having my problems of late with this Junkyard PC. For a time I was trying out some different Operating Systems on it such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Vista, and Windows 7. It did its worst with Vista, and its best with Linux Mint. Now I have gone back to its "Native" OS which is Windows Xp Home with Linux Mint installed on the back end. Here is the issue. I keep getting infected with auto dialers, auto spamers or some such crapola. The search engines such as Google, and Yahoo keep telling me that I look like a robot or that my PC is making too many request while online, and makes me confirm that I'm human...ect. My normal install has always been to Delete partition/ make new ntsf partition. Install windows home. Install system drivers. Install Sp2, and Sp3. Turn auto updates off. Install anti spyware. Install Aol. Install the rest of my crap. Turn auto updates back on and let it do its thing. I don't use and anti virus progie because it slows this POS down so much that I might as well be using a 486. Oh this POS is a Dell 4550 2.4P4, 1 gig of ram, Wd 60 gig 7200rpm ATA 133 hd on DSL. What I used in the past and it worked out well was Window washer backed up by Ad-Aware SE Pro and Vopt as a defragger. Now with the new problem I tried Spyblaster and dumped the Ad-Aware SE Pro. The Spyblasted caught a few things that were getting by the Ad-Aware progie so my thinking was that everything was good now.....Not! My PC was still slow, and websites still didn't think that I was human. Next I tried AVG Free 30 day full version. It caught a pile of crap on this thing and removed same....I was now "clean" but still slow because of the AVG running in the background. I uninstalled the AVG but left the virus vault intact. The PC went right back to doing the same old crap online that it was doing before. Next I did a clean install of windows again with system drivers, Sp2, and Sp3. I went right to Windows update with Internet Explorer and got every windows update first then I put the rest of my stuff on the system. I think the system is working right so far, and no websites are saying that I am a robot now. What "free" spy-ware blocker, and scan would you all recommend? Somebody has put some badassed code out there, and its got my number bigtime! I don't go to any questionable websites at all. I don't open unknown emails or click on any stupid crap while online. I do however report violations of TOS on AOL. Could somebody tell that I reported them and then personaly hack me because of it??? I know, I'm a dunbass....but I have to ask....
