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The longest you've ever used a single system?

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    Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

    1.5yr- presario 5000, got traded.

    the rest have been constantly modded so they are never the same system.

    (Insert witty quote here)


      Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

      Originally posted by i4004
      >I have replaced more roms then all other parts combined in my computers over the years..

      CD and DVD ROM's.. I have had quit a few that were Lite-on, Digital Research, IO Magic, and a few other brands that crapped out on me.. What can i say.. when your ROM dies and you need a new one, you dont always have time to wait for an online order to come in and you get what the store has.. and most of them have lasted a little over 1 year or less.. lenses burning out, motors stopped working, would not read the disks even after cleaned.. etc.. nothing else burns out like ROM's

      I have never blown a video card, modem, network card, RAM, Processor.. but have blown probably 3 power supplies, 3 bad hard drives if i remember right (were all maxtor's and all used for less then a month, bad from factory?) 1 fried motherboard (power supply took it out), but over a dozen CD or DVD ROM's


        Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

        Originally posted by i4004
        >I have replaced more roms then all other parts combined in my computers over the years..


        >It's gone from a Maxtor 250 GB PATA to a WD 500 GB Sata (died)

        caviar blue wd500 aaks? lasted for how long?
        Bought the 500 GB OEM from Newegg in March of 07 died June 09 sent to WD for RMA and got a 650 GB Blue use it for backup now. Yes the 500 GB was a Caviar Blue.

        The system just froze one day while playing a game bad sectors popped up in just the right places of the OS so it wouldn't boot. I was barely able to recover my data. I now keep my stuff on an external HDD.
        Elements of the past and the future combining to make something not quite as good as either.


          Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

          recently had a scare with cheap external tray and that very hdd.
          power lamp on, hdd won't spin. probably a poor sata power connection(because it's cheap and crappy chinese tray).
          hdd works in pc just fine.
          now i'll buy one more(320gb..i'm cheap and i prefer to have 2 smaller than one big hdd), copy stuff to it, and keep both off when not in use(and that will be most of the time...i dump video on those, and i turn it on only when i'm processing it etc.).
          i'll put small switch on its 5 and 12v supply and switch it on/off while pc is in s3-stby.

          i trust that will be more reliable system than cheap chinese hdd tray...huh...

          oh yeah, have two more trays (and hdds in them) that are behaving ok...


            Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

            Netware... probably 10+ years in the same box. Ran forever.


              Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

              Originally posted by Krankshaft
              Yes the 500 GB was a Caviar Blue.
              I have a 500gb Caviar Blue sitting at OnTrack data recovery right now.
              This sorry little piece of shit committed hara-kiri at only 5 months old.

              While it was slowly dying, it was corrupting the backup files.
              When it shit the bed, the customer had bad backups and a dead drive.
              $1995 for the recovery.


                Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                ouch 2k for a 500gb recovery?!

                my longest used system is my A64 gamer, built in 2004 with a s 939 board (jumped to it from a PIII 550E that ran at 733 that was from 2000-2004, woooooooo baby) it had 2 gigs of OCZ high voltage low lat ram (remember the high volt part) and evga 6800GT with a Artic cooling after market HSF, boy did it kick butt when it came to gaming, works flawlessly with all the 1280*1024 stuff I can throw at it and It was running OCed on everything.

                eventually the high voltage ram OC killed it and i got free 4 GB replacement that was rated higher :P

                the 6800 GT too died when it overheated (It was running at close to 90 C at stock with stock fan!!) after the Artic cooler it was running at around 70-80 C, which kept it alive for a good 3 years with a small OC, but then it died and I had use the lifetime rma on the thing, and they sent me back a 7900 GS

                so after two free upgrades, it was finally retired in june 09, when I built my current I7 rig, and after 4 months with the 7900GS, I got a 5870 and is running happily at 1920 * 1200, I wonder when will I consider this I7 system old?

                It is still being used by my dad, with all the gaming capabilities lol, so this thing may very well have a longer life than what it already has.
                Last edited by TheHolylancer; 01-18-2010, 01:18 PM.


                  Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                  Originally posted by kaniki
                  CD and DVD ROM's.. I have had quit a few that were Lite-on, Digital Research, IO Magic, and a few other brands that crapped out on me.. What can i say.. when your ROM dies and you need a new one, you dont always have time to wait for an online order to come in and you get what the store has.. and most of them have lasted a little over 1 year or less.. lenses burning out, motors stopped working, would not read the disks even after cleaned.. etc.. nothing else burns out like ROM's

                  I have never blown a video card, modem, network card, RAM, Processor.. but have blown probably 3 power supplies, 3 bad hard drives if i remember right (were all maxtor's and all used for less then a month, bad from factory?) 1 fried motherboard (power supply took it out), but over a dozen CD or DVD ROM's
                  From my personal experience, the most easily failing parts in a pc are:

                  -power supplies (2 failed on me)
                  -hard drives (2 failed and 1 suddenly started to have noisy motor but still works, years after that)
                  -graphic cards (all in wonder 9700 pro gone in a year, all in wonder 9800 SE lasted 5 years)
                  -dvd/cd-rom/rw, but who cares now that a new drive comes at no more than 10 euros, except blu ray of course


                    Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                    For me the longest running system around here was and AMD K6/2 450mhz on the famous FIC-VA-503+ board. It may have been here about four years. It had many configurations over its lifetime. Now this is before anger management classes, and medication for me...LOL It was having a cranky "dead" hard drive day, and wouldn't reload Win ME after a format. This pissed me off so bad that I beat it to death. There is still a hole in the wall from this behind the Dell PC that I use today. When I was done with my little temper tantrum I put the few good parts left from my AMD PC in the wife's AMD 550 k6/2 PC.
                    My other good one was a PIII 1ghz on and Abit VL6 board. It lasted about three years. This PC was great. My brother gave me the chip but left it connect to the problematic VL6 board it was on. I shoved it all into a case and it worked great for a time. Got so it had real problems on the boot and liked to BSOD now and then too. This is about the time that I found and joined Badcaps. I inspected the caps on the VL6 and they were blown to shit! My friend Vernon sold me a Dell GX 150 1ghz PIII for $40 and I put the VL6 away. I think it ended up going to Kc8adu in the end. I would love to get the wife a new modern mid-line PC to replace the GX150 PIII that she is using. It all takes money, and that is what I don't have at the moment. That dual core Hp Compaq that I have yet to pick up from my cousin's place could be her "new" PC if I can save it. Guess I better get down there and get it before he puts it in the ash can with the trash....LOL Does anyone here know what and old wet ash can smells like? Its enough to make you love the smell of a dirty wet dog!
                    Last edited by Junk Parts; 02-09-2010, 05:16 AM. Reason: add
                    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
                    Mark Twain

                    "I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; for I intend to go in harm's way."
                    John Paul Jones

                    There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.
                    Rod Serling


                      Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                      Dear, don't play this evil game. Capacitor, suppose explode and hit your eye, then what would be left in your life when you have one eye lost?


                        Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                        Originally posted by Junk Parts
                        For me the longest running system around here was and AMD K6/2 450mhz on the famous FIC-VA-503+ board.
                        i still use one of those,
                        i got it when it was the latest thing,

                        not being religious, and a strong believer in Evolution, it has Evolved!

                        it's now my fileserver.
                        got some 4 year old Linux on it and an adaptec 39160 scsi card with 6 drives.
                        and the nvidia TNT got upgraded to a gforce2.

                        the only other added stuff was a nice realtek ethernet nic.

                        good systems dont retire, you run em till they die!


                          Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                          A refirb Dell C610, Pentium III 1.2GHz, 512MB ram (later upped to 1GB), 20GB HD (Then later changed to a 60GB 7200RPM Hitachi)..
                          Got it in '04. Was my main machine until '08. Had Win 2k initially, then changed to Slack, and finally Gentoo.


                            Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                            I am using this Asus A7N8X-vm400 nForce 2 board/box I built 2002/03 (I want to check now) it runs 24/7 as I use it for my local Usenet hub and web browser (its the only box on my network that has full port 80 out access) it still runs the AMD 2600 cpu, running a 2006 install of win2000 and IMO as fresh as the day.
                            Its had some more RAM within the first year to get it to 2 GB and a Seasonic S12 PSU the next year, but nothing had been changed for the last 4.

                            A great box.


                              Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                              6 years ive been running my pentium 4 came with 512 mbs ram and 2.8 ghz cpu 128mb video card.
                              Now has 512 mb video and 3 gbs ram and a 3 ghz cpu
                              My Computer.
                              AMD APU A4-3300 2.5ghz 1mb cache
                              Motherboard GigaByte GA-A75M-S2V
                              Kingston HyperX Blue DDR3 8GB (2x4GB)

                              SB Audigy 2 ZS [B800] Sound Card
                              500GB WD Caviar® Blue™
                              1 Terabyte WD Caviar® Black™
                              2 Terabyte WD Caviar® Black™


                                Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                                PIII 600 or 700mhz on Intel board, one IDE port is bad

                                running 24/7 its whole life with several different roles throughout its life. It had about a 2 week break of not being ran about 2years ago.

                                still serving me today, and will until it stops!


                                  Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                                  yeah i never hardly turn mine off ither
                                  My Computer.
                                  AMD APU A4-3300 2.5ghz 1mb cache
                                  Motherboard GigaByte GA-A75M-S2V
                                  Kingston HyperX Blue DDR3 8GB (2x4GB)

                                  SB Audigy 2 ZS [B800] Sound Card
                                  500GB WD Caviar® Blue™
                                  1 Terabyte WD Caviar® Black™
                                  2 Terabyte WD Caviar® Black™


                                    Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                                    My main computer. If you take into account only the sheer uptime it's had, it's ran close to nonstop for almost 7 years. Was regularly power cycled until sometime in 2015 when I began leaving it on 24/7/365 to increase the longevity of it's hardware.

                                    It's had almost the exact same hardware configuration for almost 5 years now. Only things upgraded are the GPU, case fans, ODD, added a wireless card, USB 3 card, and a SCSI controller. I plan on running the system until sometime between 2022 and 2024 when it'll be retired and a whole new system built to replace it.
                                    Don't buy those $10 PSU "specials". They fail, and they have taken whole computers with them.

                                    My computer doubles as a space heater.

                                    Permanently Retired Systems:
                                    RIP Advantech UNO-3072LA (2008-2021) - Decommissioned and taken out of service permanently due to lack of software support for it. Not very likely to ever be recommissioned again.
                                    Asus Q550LF (Old main laptop, 2014-2022) - Decommissioned and stripped due to a myriad of problems, the main battery bloating being the final nail in the coffin.

                                    Kooky and Kool Systems
                                    - 1996 Power Macintosh 7200/120 + PC Compatibility Card - Under Restoration
                                    - 1993 Gateway 2000 80486DX/50 - Fully Operational/WIP
                                    - 2004 Athlon 64 Retro Gaming System - Indefinitely Parked
                                    - Main Workstation - Fully operational!



                                      Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                                      Since you woke this thread up, I am still using THIS SYSTEM in my office... It's been a freight train, and rock solid....and we're approaching 9 years of happy computing. I do have a backup system waiting in the wings if this one dies.... This old relic is still running W7 with extended updates, and no plans to change a thing.

                                      This message posted from it.
                                      <--- Founder


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                                        Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                                        Pentium 133, was the cat's meow in 1996!

                                        Even though, my family didn't get their Pentium 133 PC until 1997, IIRC.

                                        In 1997, a Pentium 166, was the cat's meow over at Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center!

                                        And then in the tail-end of the 1990s, a Pentium II 400, (and 350, IIRC) was the cat's meow over at the Crotched Mountain school!

                                        In the early-2000s, a Pentium III 733, was the cat's meow! Same with the Pentium III 866.
                                        Last edited by RJARRRPCGP; 01-17-2021, 11:15 AM.
                                        ASRock B550 PG Velocita

                                        Ryzen 9 "Vermeer" 5900X

                                        32 GB G.Skill RipJaws V F4-3200C16D-32GVR

                                        Arc A770 16 GB

                                        eVGA Supernova G3 750W

                                        Western Digital Black SN850 1TB NVMe SSD

                                        Alienware AW3423DWF OLED

                                        "¡Me encanta "Me Encanta o Enlistarlo con Hilary Farr!" -Mí mismo

                                        "There's nothing more unattractive than a chick smoking a cigarette" -Topcat

                                        "Today's lesson in pissivity comes in the form of a ziplock baggie full of GPU extension brackets & hardware that for the last ~3 years have been on my bench, always in my way, getting moved around constantly....and yesterday I found myself in need of them....and the bastards are now nowhere to be found! Motherfracker!!" -Topcat

                                        "did I see a chair fly? I think I did! Time for popcorn!" -ratdude747


                                          Re: The longest you've ever used a single system?

                                          The longest I've ever used a computer as my main system was that awful Toshiba laptop. I ran it for seven years (2011-2018) before I built a desktop to replace it.

                                          If you want the longest time I've owned a computer, I've had my old Compaq since 2004. It was dead when I got it, and it was unstable and giving disk errors before that. I wanted to replace the motherboard and hard drive, but I could only get a motherboard with the CPU included. Replacing all of those parts got it running, but I later found that the CPU was dead and the hard drive was fine (although the SMART log shows tons of CRC errors). That was my first computer repair.

