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MacOS: R|W Programmers like CH341x BINs..?

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    MacOS: R|W Programmers like CH341x BINs..?

    For years I tried figuring out how to R|W BINs from my CH341x programmer.
    From FTDI's pkg, Apps specifically claiming they work, I failed for ~8 years.

    I'd expect many here figured it out (easily), but in case not ...
    It's one of the few forms of "how-to" remuneration I can GIVE BACK.

    This group is both GENEROUS & literally BRILLIANT / GENIUS!!!

    This may be the easiest means to copy-paste:

    SERIAL -to- USB - CH341 ROM (MacOS):
    Install xcode:				xcode-select --install
    Relocate xcode:				sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
    Install HomeBrew:			/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    Install cask:				brew install cask
    Install Ruby:				brew install ruby
    Install flashROM:			brew install flashrom
    List Programmers:			sudo flashrom --help
    Verify reader:				sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi
    ROM Read:				sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -r  <name.bin> (defaults location ~ )
    ROM Write:				sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -w  <name.bin> (defaults location ~ )

    READ+WRITE to SERIAL to USB (eg: CH341's) BIN to MacOS:

    Skip commands you already installed.
    To check if a cmd is already, use: "which ____"
    Bash replies with the installed version. (see attachments)

    Install xcode xcode-select --install
    Relocate xcode sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

    Install HomeBrew /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    Install cask brew install cask
    Install Ruby brew install ruby
    Install flashROM: brew install flashrom

    List Programmers: sudo flashrom --help
    *flashrom --help shows the syntax for available devices at the bottom.*

    *The references to ch341a_spi refers to the programmer I'M USING*
    Verify reader: sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi
    ROM Read: sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -r <~/name.bin>
    ROM Write: sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -w <~/name.bin>

    I believe the T203 reader uses the CH341a Protocol ...

    And also showing screenshots of this working.

    That said, everyone seems to dislike the CH341 ... and while I have other windows options (RT809F, etc) ... are any of the compatible devices preferable? Thanks.
    Last edited by SMDFlea; 04-08-2022, 08:16 PM.

    Re: MacOS: R|W Programmers like CH341x BINs..?

    PS, reading the T203 ROM command was:

    sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -r 2018MBP.BIN

    In which the file was READ to ~/2018MBP.BIN
    And to WRITE the file use:

    sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -w 2018MBP.BIN

    I'm sure people have already discussed this utility here, but, just in case...

