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PlayStation 3 Slim PSU, failed stb power

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    PlayStation 3 Slim PSU, failed stb power

    I have a PS3 Slim PSU with a failed standby power. It's a MIP836 chip that seems to be broken. A replacement is on it's way and I will also replace the feedback opto, but worry about the MIP836 may not be the root cause of the failure. Therefore I try to ask if anyone here has any experience of this PSU and it's weak spots?

    The board is labelled APS 270 MB 2

    Last edited by Marta; 08-18-2014, 02:47 PM.

    Re: PlayStation 3 Slim PSU, failed stb power

    Never saw or opened any slim PS3 PSUs, though I have seen plenty of dead regular PS3 PSUs.

    My advice is to post more, and higher quality pictures here of both sides of the PSU.

    If you have some experience with power supplies, check the snubber network on the standby. Usually consists of a capacitor and resistor in parallel, and this in series with a diode.

    Should you decide to test the PSU with the new MIP836 chip, use the series incadescent light bulb trick to limit power, in case something goes wrong. That way, instead of a fuse blowing, the bulb will just become lit (or partially lit) and stay that way. More about this trick is written here:
    Since you are only testing the standby power supply, a 25W to 60W bulb should suffice for the application. The APFC on these PSUs may cause the bulb to glow for longer than normal, though. If the bulb doesn't stop glowing in 5 seconds or less, STOP and uplug the PSU - there may still be something shorted.

