Hello, do you know if it is possible to clean oxydated fpc connectors until it back brilliant please ?
I know the best is to replace, but sometime micro fpc are very little oxydated and very hard (or unable) to find as new. So, there is may be a chemical product for that ?
I use vinegar for rust on metal screw or little metal pieces and I finish with WD-40 for protect, else the rust can come back. That works pretty good.
I not yet tryed on connector. Do you have a good method please ?
I know the best is to replace, but sometime micro fpc are very little oxydated and very hard (or unable) to find as new. So, there is may be a chemical product for that ?
I use vinegar for rust on metal screw or little metal pieces and I finish with WD-40 for protect, else the rust can come back. That works pretty good.
I not yet tryed on connector. Do you have a good method please ?