Re: Need software for Intelligent universal programmer lk48
yes, but when you install it it creates 2 seperate exe files.
i'll check it again later - i'll have to setup a damned windows laptop first though.
not something i normally have here.
It's only one exe file in the labtool-48UXP foler, WLT48UXP.exe for the V12.40.
When you install you get 2 main folders: xyz-48UXP and xyz-48XP;
The 1st is for the USB programmer version, and the 2nd for the LPT programmer version;
The patch is only valid for the one on 2nd (...48xp.exe) not for the one on 1st (...48uxp.exe)!
it's only one folder C:\...\...\xyz-48UXP
Installed on a W10.
Install the version on the previous links, XP/Vista/7, only!
Use compatibility mode in w10 to install.
Please do us all an obvious favor:
Edit and remove all obvious strings: Advant3ch 3quipment, labt00l, ... We really do not need the devil's search engine to find us...
Re: Need software for Intelligent universal programmer lk48
posting a couple of hexadecimal numbers is not illegal - fuck them.
and iMac - use the latest version, not the old 12.40 one.
at the time i'm posting this, it's 12.60
posting a couple of hexadecimal numbers is not illegal - fuck them.
and iMac - use the latest version, not the old 12.40 one.
at the time i'm posting this, it's 12.60
i have labtool 48 xp and i try to modify software.
but my problem is when install it. i have only one folder in my pc and offset on software have another value
help me please
Re: Need software for Intelligent universal programmer lk48
on 13.00 try changing address 20591f = 55 >>> c3
i cant test it, i dont have the programmer and using windows makes me want to throw the laptop at the wall!
Re: Need software for Intelligent universal programmer lk48
but is presente exe only uxp, not exe for parallel port. i have labtool with only parallel port because usb is dead. on old pc with XP work fine, but old pc is dead