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Where to find a very small fpc connector 0.3mm between 2 pins ?

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    Where to find a very small fpc connector 0.3mm between 2 pins ?

    Hello, I search this connector (oxydated).
    It's a fpc zif low profile connector. It come from camera sensor, it is very small : 0.3mm between 2 pins.
    I ordered 2 from Aliexpress called « 0.3mm pitch » but one was 0.5mm between 2 pins and the other 0.6mm. In fact « 0.3mm pitch » seams to be the pad width and not the distance between 2 pins.
    I can't find it. The other websites like mouser dont show the datasheet, and I can't check if it is 0.3mm between 2 pins ?

    Do you know how to find this connector please ? What is the exact name for find it ?

    Attached Files

    Update : found one connector in commercial ad, after searching with « 0.15mm ».

    It seems the distance between 2 pins is linked with pin width. So for 0.3mm distance : 0.15mm. The key number seems 0.15mm for find this connector... but I didnt found where to buy.


      Keep searching, can't find. How do you do for find your connectors please ? You buy new ones or take from boards for parts ?


        Search Ali Express for 0.3mm pitch conectors. Do you have the links for those you bought and were of the wrong size ?


          Yes this one : (he sent a 0.6mm between 2 pins)

          And this one (he sent a 0.5mm between 2 pins, that is wrong compare the ad) :

          In fact, for 0.3mm between 2 pins, the specs must be « 0.15mm pitch »
          If you read : « 0.3mm pitch », that means there is 0.6mm between 2 pins.

          I found only one connector with those specs (0.3mm between 2 pins) on the web, it call « FFA1W series » from Fujikura (see the picture in attachment)
          Datasheet :

          But it can't be found on the web. Maybe manufacturers has reached a small size limit for this model, and maybe the smartphone connectors model are strongers. That could explain why only one manufacturer made it ?
          Last hope : ask to alibaba sellers if they have, but I have doubt they can provide specs. And after, left to ask them to create ad on Aliexpress for order a small quantity...
          I have another way : I search same board, dead, for parts…

          If you have ideas, you are welcome
          Attached Files
          Last edited by corrize; 09-13-2024, 12:30 AM.


            The pitch for the connectors refers to the ffc cable pitch that will be used in them.

            Since the pins need to alternate to fit in the plastic housing then yes, if you need the connector to have some specific distance between its pins then it could roughly half the distance between contacts.

            I think you need first to search for the connector in reference to the ffc cable. How many lanes, width and distance between lanes ? *on the cable*, not on the connector. After find connectors that fit your cable, then you can see which of them have the necessary pin separation ( probably almost all of them ) .


              Indeed if you mesure between 2 alternate pins on connector, you found : 0.15mm. And when you mesure between 2 tracks on the ribbon cable, it is the same : 0.15mm.
              The key is this number : 0.15mm. But it is very difficult to find. On Digikey or Mouser website, when you search fpc connectors, it show « 0.20mm pitch or under » but in the list nothing under 0.20.

