I have been having issues with this garage door opener for a while first the range of the remote was a lot less and sometimes it would start to go down and stop for no reason that I could find and would every once in awhile to start with then it started going more frequently until last Saturday when I opened the garage door it refused to close so I cranked up force all the way maximum limit this did not work also the sensor on one side that has a green and red lights that are supposed to be on when the door is open and there are no obstacles in the way on the original board the only light that was the red but the green one was off
I have had another opener that is the same model number that got stuck by a near by thunderstorm that took out the control board but I keep it because the motor still works so I have spare parts for this one if the motor goes bad
I have had another opener that is the same model number that got stuck by a near by thunderstorm that took out the control board but I keep it because the motor still works so I have spare parts for this one if the motor goes bad