Hello I have been trying to identify and fix a problem with a robot vacuum cleaner, which when switched on cleans for like 3-4 seconds and stops, all the driving, sweeping and vaccum motors stop.
On the pcb from a battery connector up to a main microcontroller everything seems to be fine (vcc pin input is 5v constant when a switch is switched on).
And the switch itself is fine looking at the quality of my soldering
Red LED keeps blinking during those 3-4 working seconds, and when the robot stops LED just remains lit.
The green one for some reason does not even blind/shine i think the volage does not even reach it or not enough to say at least.
What I figured so far:
Battery charges( but as previously said green LED should blink when it charges but doesn't and i tested led is good, when i put my Multimeter probes across it, I can see clearly that it blinks but when i remove it ,it stops, so it means not enough voltage is supplied from the main controller?)
5V linear regulator is working
All the motor drivers look in shape, but stop working after 3-4s period
Step down regulator does bring down voltage to 8.3V which is good.
The D16 diode when checked with a multimeter on diode mode shows 3.2V in reverse biased but when i remove it and test it, its 0 don't really know why.
If someone has any ideas or tips of what could be the case of this problem, would really appreciate your insights
It is interesting what makes him switch off and I assume that the main microcontroller does the switching right?
I am pretty new and trying to understand the whole working principle so shared knowledge would be awesome.
I am also attaching images of pcb layout and schematics.
Only the photos are mine so credits to the person who made the reverse engineering of pcb and schematic.
On the pcb from a battery connector up to a main microcontroller everything seems to be fine (vcc pin input is 5v constant when a switch is switched on).
And the switch itself is fine looking at the quality of my soldering
Red LED keeps blinking during those 3-4 working seconds, and when the robot stops LED just remains lit.
The green one for some reason does not even blind/shine i think the volage does not even reach it or not enough to say at least.
What I figured so far:
Battery charges( but as previously said green LED should blink when it charges but doesn't and i tested led is good, when i put my Multimeter probes across it, I can see clearly that it blinks but when i remove it ,it stops, so it means not enough voltage is supplied from the main controller?)
5V linear regulator is working
All the motor drivers look in shape, but stop working after 3-4s period
Step down regulator does bring down voltage to 8.3V which is good.
The D16 diode when checked with a multimeter on diode mode shows 3.2V in reverse biased but when i remove it and test it, its 0 don't really know why.
If someone has any ideas or tips of what could be the case of this problem, would really appreciate your insights
It is interesting what makes him switch off and I assume that the main microcontroller does the switching right?
I am pretty new and trying to understand the whole working principle so shared knowledge would be awesome.
I am also attaching images of pcb layout and schematics.
Only the photos are mine so credits to the person who made the reverse engineering of pcb and schematic.