Hello everyone!
I have a broken Apple Cinema Display 23"(Aluminium) A1082. Sumptoms Black screen and no led blinking
And wow, I have a plan to repair it ))))
If somebody can help I will be happy
Next I will describe what I did, do and will do:
1. I have a 24.5V from power adapter to mainboard input and disconnected center pin. Only +24.5V and Gnd connected.
2. I checked input from DVI(pin14) +5V. Red wire (J6) at mainboard.
3. I changed LM1117DT- 33 (VR3) w/out success Vin= 5.06V Vout=3.24V
4. I check Q1 transistor(H7XZ1). If I right understand it's P-Channel 20-V (D-S) MOSFET Si2367DS
Gate 11.1V Drain 24.5V Source 24.5V I dont know this is good or bad voltage cause I dont know how it should be
5. 2672(VR1) have only one pin powered Vin=24.5V
I attached picture with voltage at main board with some points I checked
6. Low DROP voltage regulator VR3 replaced with more powerfull (1.5mA) LD1086DT33TR but no effect
Vout increased a little bit to +3.26V
7. If I press the on-off button then +3,92V signal appeared at pin2 J4 connector
The same at pin 3 for Brightness UP and pin 5 for Brightness DOWN
olala ... buttons board alive))
tracking goes connecting to pin59 (PTC1/ADC1) of U1 microcontroller (MC908LD64IFUE)
8. U3, U4, U8 - ATMLH720 02B1
From my understanding, it is Atmel 24c02b - 2k EEPROM
U4 have no signal at all pins
U3, U8 presents at the picture
9. 4 big brown capacitors are all 24.5v, but the other 2 on the oposite side of the board (C16,C18) there is no power
10. Found DVI input to U8 EEPROM
I think U8 contents Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) information
pin5(DVI-16) tracing show different paths (f.e pin10-U1, D18, R166, R169)
11. Backlight Interface J2 connector to Inverter Board has no power supply input VBL
Von has 0,04V near to nothing
Status pin14 =1,76V less then 'abnormal' but is not "normal" also
12. I have no logic analyser but I can make it from ArduinoUNO. I hope)))
There's another EDID issue confirmation from EnTech Monitor Asset Manager
Powered off monitor not detected with program. But I can see another one the same model connected to second DVI at my "ATI RADEON 5850"
Problem may be with EEPROM or on the way between
little update ...Arduino oscilloscope show no digital signal at U8 SCL, SDA pins
Also SDA,SCL pin traced directly to pin33-PTD5/DDCSDA pin32-PTD4/DDCSCL at U1 microcontroller (MC68HC908LD64). Looks like I2C Bus...
Unsoldered U8 2K EEPROM cannot be read by connecting to my Arduino programmator also
Good project library https://github.com/JChristensen/extEEPROM but no result yet
I was trying to start without desoldering U8 but no effect
I have a broken Apple Cinema Display 23"(Aluminium) A1082. Sumptoms Black screen and no led blinking
And wow, I have a plan to repair it ))))
If somebody can help I will be happy
Next I will describe what I did, do and will do:
1. I have a 24.5V from power adapter to mainboard input and disconnected center pin. Only +24.5V and Gnd connected.
2. I checked input from DVI(pin14) +5V. Red wire (J6) at mainboard.
3. I changed LM1117DT- 33 (VR3) w/out success Vin= 5.06V Vout=3.24V
4. I check Q1 transistor(H7XZ1). If I right understand it's P-Channel 20-V (D-S) MOSFET Si2367DS
Gate 11.1V Drain 24.5V Source 24.5V I dont know this is good or bad voltage cause I dont know how it should be
5. 2672(VR1) have only one pin powered Vin=24.5V
I attached picture with voltage at main board with some points I checked
6. Low DROP voltage regulator VR3 replaced with more powerfull (1.5mA) LD1086DT33TR but no effect
Vout increased a little bit to +3.26V
7. If I press the on-off button then +3,92V signal appeared at pin2 J4 connector
The same at pin 3 for Brightness UP and pin 5 for Brightness DOWN
olala ... buttons board alive))
tracking goes connecting to pin59 (PTC1/ADC1) of U1 microcontroller (MC908LD64IFUE)
8. U3, U4, U8 - ATMLH720 02B1
From my understanding, it is Atmel 24c02b - 2k EEPROM
U4 have no signal at all pins
U3, U8 presents at the picture
9. 4 big brown capacitors are all 24.5v, but the other 2 on the oposite side of the board (C16,C18) there is no power
10. Found DVI input to U8 EEPROM
I think U8 contents Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) information
pin5(DVI-16) tracing show different paths (f.e pin10-U1, D18, R166, R169)
11. Backlight Interface J2 connector to Inverter Board has no power supply input VBL
Von has 0,04V near to nothing
Status pin14 =1,76V less then 'abnormal' but is not "normal" also
12. I have no logic analyser but I can make it from ArduinoUNO. I hope)))
There's another EDID issue confirmation from EnTech Monitor Asset Manager
Powered off monitor not detected with program. But I can see another one the same model connected to second DVI at my "ATI RADEON 5850"
Problem may be with EEPROM or on the way between
little update ...Arduino oscilloscope show no digital signal at U8 SCL, SDA pins
Also SDA,SCL pin traced directly to pin33-PTD5/DDCSDA pin32-PTD4/DDCSCL at U1 microcontroller (MC68HC908LD64). Looks like I2C Bus...
Unsoldered U8 2K EEPROM cannot be read by connecting to my Arduino programmator also
Good project library https://github.com/JChristensen/extEEPROM but no result yet
I was trying to start without desoldering U8 but no effect