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Syncmaster SA350 LED loses backlight - 2nd time seeing this monitor

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    Syncmaster SA350 LED loses backlight - 2nd time seeing this monitor

    I had another thread here for this same monitor where I corrected a separate issue by replacing the IC401 on the board and uploading the firmware (red light of death).

    Now the same monitor is back for losing it's backlight. Green light is on. This progressively got worse over time to where it really just stays dark. Yes you can see the image using a flashlight. If the monitor is actually displaying and goes to sleep it never wakes up or so it seems. It's that the backlight never regains function. A poster on Youtube has this exact issue but his was the backlight connector on the panel. Mine doesn't seem to have this issue because I carefully split the panel housing and checked it.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction of where to start getting readings to determine which crappy IC it is this time? Thanks in advance. Pics are posted.
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    Re: Syncmaster SA350 LED loses backlight - 2nd time seeing this monitor

    Pics of the PSU, please?


      Re: Syncmaster SA350 LED loses backlight - 2nd time seeing this monitor

      Did you check the fuse F901 first pic


        Re: Syncmaster SA350 LED loses backlight - 2nd time seeing this monitor

        @Capleaker - This doesn't have a PSU board since it's power is integrated in the board pictured as evident by the low voltage connector in the bottom left of pic one. This has an external brick transformer as laptops do.

        I didn't say there was a problem with power as I could have easily checked that with an alternate power source. Ii powers on fine with a green light as it should. Sometimes displays. The backlight is out either shortly after power or within minutes.


          Re: Syncmaster SA350 LED loses backlight - 2nd time seeing this monitor

          @1supertech - You are referring to the main fuse F901 next to the 12V power connector? Yes it's good because the unit powers on perfectly as stated in the initial post.

          This is not a dead monitor it is a working monitor with a backlight issue.

          My focus is more in the upper right of pic one where the circuitry related to the backlight cable leading out is or back over to the right edge where the signal circuitry is to possibly trigger backlight when the monitor sleeps.


            Re: Syncmaster SA350 LED loses backlight - 2nd time seeing this monitor

            OK got it miss under stood so this is a new one on me I would check the caps with an ESR meter to if their failing or dead. just a thought.

