Hello, this is all new to me. Hoping for some help.
Uploaded the firmware backup, Hoping I did this right lol
Thanks for the help
is something wrong with your backup, it should have 33.554.432 bytes and it has 32.062.889 bytes. Read it again and if possible read also EC chipset, XU68, on left side of wifi. thanks.
Bios Lock <- HP no longer does resets.. even though It's under warranty.. and I have the receipt.. horrible company
I actually have 3 of these, I wanted to make into a cluster, it does work for basic os installs, but I need bios access to enable some features
is something wrong with your backup, it should have 33.554.432 bytes and it has 32.062.889 bytes. Read it again and if possible read also EC chipset, XU68, on left side of wifi. thanks.
Very possible I messed something up... I did the backup via the bios update..
I just realized you are asking me to pull the data from the chip not what the numbers are lol
Let me try and read from bios chip before I read that XU86
I hope i'm doing this right lol.. I couldn't find the exact chip but closest.. If I'm doing something wrong please advise
Let me try and read from bios chip before I read that XU86
I hope i'm doing this right lol.. I couldn't find the exact chip but closest.. If I'm doing something wrong please advise
use AsProgrammer or Neo Programmer, not software came with CH341A
I'm not using clips, I desolder chipsets and use adapters for programmer. Clips and CH341 are the perfect recipe for disaster. If you are using clips read chipsets 2-3 times and compare results, if you have 2 identical it means you have a good backup.
I'm not using clips, I desolder chipsets and use adapters for programmer. Clips and CH341 are the perfect recipe for disaster. If you are using clips read chipsets 2-3 times and compare results, if you have 2 identical it means you have a good backup.
that would require me, to get read out in the first place :P
going to order a soldering iron, all of mine are to big to work on chips lol
sorry, I thought you wrote "What type of clip are you using, SOP or WSON"
No worries, I have been told to pickup a WSON8 maybe I try that method first? https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005007321023647.html <-not that exact one but to get an idea, I just need to buy the right size for that chip