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no display on ps4 slim ddc i2c clock shorted

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    no display on ps4 slim ddc i2c clock shorted

    i replaced the hdmi port first with no luck then i noticed that it wouldn't do the two beeps for safe mode unless the televison wasn't connected to the console. Turns out that the ddc data bus has an issue. the clock signal is shorted to ground whenever the display is connected. Even if the console isn't plugged into the outlet. i'm not sure why the clock signal goes to ground. i removed the safety zener diode to rule that out as a culprit.

    Did you read the error codes?


      yea i used wee tools and nothing was definitive about the codes. why would that data signal be pulled down just by connecting the televison to the hdmi port? is the retimer directly connected to the apu?

