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Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

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    Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

    A trick to desolder difficult components, is to first add some solder.
    Be a mensch


      Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

      ^- especially if the device you're working on is RoHS compliant (leadfree bulls**t solder)


        Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

        Yes it has the awful Lead free solder on very single joint, it is said this is the main issue with the Xbox 360 breaking down , it gets hot ,cools down, the board warps slightly and the lead free solder breaks ...
        I am looking into Reballing this one as well as new caps , you can buy all the stuff pretty cheap to do it and as i have 7 Xbox 360's in various states of disrepair i will probably invest in the components needed ... a proper infra red BGA rework station is a whopping $900 !!
        Way too much for me though
        i wonder how long it would take to earn the money back by repairing xbox's ?


          Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

          Well the good news is i have removed the bad caps ! , thanks for the advice Softest , a little solder and away they came , i had to fix my tip on the iron as it was abused at work
          It turns out that the caps i thought were all the same are not, so when i get up tomorrow i will get the magnifying glass out and have a read to see the exact types
          Can anyone recommend a decent place in the UK to buy caps , i have browsed the maplin site but they dont seem to carry many , i would order off this site but i want them NOW !!

          I have been doing a bit of net reading on these xbox's and itseems the Mosfets pack up too ... i may replace them if i can find them to buy



            Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360


            and dont blame lead-free solder.
            the Xcriment box problems are down to crappy cooling, undersized heatsinks, and those stupid x-clamps that warp the pcb.

            in short - it's a microsoft product, you expected it to work????


              Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

              Originally posted by slimwadey
              ...Can anyone recommend a decent place in the UK to buy caps , i have browsed the maplin site but they dont seem to carry many , i would order off this site but i want them NOW !! ...
              I get all my capacitors from RS

              The minimum postage is almost £6, but you do receive them the next day by DHL. They also have some trade counters dotted around the UK.

              Invisible airwaves crackle with life
              Bright antennae bristle with the energy


                Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                Originally posted by stj
                in short - it's a microsoft product, you expected it to work????
                No of course not , i regularly throw £300 away on useless electronic products just so i can have an online conversation with people just like you ....


                  Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                  clearly, because if you search xbox 360 all you find is people asking how to get rid of the red-ring shit.

                  go to modding places and clamps outsell faceplates.


                    Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                    Originally posted by stj
                    clearly, because if you search xbox 360 all you find is people asking how to get rid of the red-ring shit.

                    go to modding places and clamps outsell faceplates.
                    Iam well versed in repairing the Red ring of Death and other error codes too, i have fixed around 10 so far, yes the design is very poor and yes MS made them as cheap as possible and yes the X clamps are a serious issue but i can buy a RROD Xbox from ebay for as little as £10, some versions can be modified and then sold to the hacking/modding crowd and some i just repair and sell again on ebay at a reasonable price , the one i am working on has blown caps and this is the first time i have ever tried to replace any of them

                    I will keep you updated with extra info as i have it



                      Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                      Hey people,

                      Sorry to bump this, but you guys are the experts in this matter.

                      My Xbox recently got the E74 message and wouldn't go away.Giving up on this Xbox was a last resort as it is a NTSC Xbox, and I have a collection of games for it. So I decided to get a heat gun and reflow the solders in the Xbox CPU/GPU and (H)ANA Chips. Using some tutorials on YouTube I overdid the heat gun and blew some capacitors.

                      I wrecked about 12 of them in total, some just minor leaks and 2 of them have completely exploded and has brown gunk all over it leaking from the top.

                      I googled and read on some forum some other person did the same thing and hooked it up and powered it on anyway and it worked. I thought to myself I'll do the same, so I hooked it up and WALA! It worked, I played FIFA for about 6 hours straight on it.

                      I plan to have the capacitors replaced, but I will have to get them shipped from overseas (impossible to find matching capacitors in Aus) and will most likely take 2 weeks to arrive.

                      I'm quite paranoid about this thing because of all the stories about bad capacitors. My question is; is it dangerous to continue using it in its current state?


                        Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                        Mann-Made Global Warming.
                        - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.

                        Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

                        - Dr Seuss
                        You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.


                          Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                          Thanks for your reply,

                          But can you elaborate why?



                            Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                            Go ahead and use it but:

                            - Read up on how to replace IC chips and acquire the necessary equipment to do so.
                            - Keep a fire extinguisher nearby.

                            You will need at least one of the above, if not both.

                            Mann-Made Global Warming.
                            - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.

                            Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

                            - Dr Seuss
                            You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.


                              Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                              Because when the capacitors have failed they loose their properties
                              So they no longer have low ESR, and no longer the bulk capacitance

                              So to keep a stable voltage the MOSFET's have to work much much harder, this makes them become hotter, untill the point where they desolder themselves or just plain crack in the middle due to the extreme current passing through them
                              What happens next is either dead system or fire as PCBONEZ said
                              Some nice pics of it in the FAQ section here on Badcaps, and other forums too...

                              "The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it."


                                Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                                Lol, in that case. I'll restrain myself from using it.

                                Why did you recommend me to read up on IC Chips? Are you suggesting the problem is bigger than I think?

                                I thought it was the case of taking out bad capacitors and replacing them with new ones. I was just about to order some matching Rubycon capacitors with matching voltage and uF, should I put that on hold?

                                @Per Hansson

                                Cheers, I appreciate insightful information.
                                Looking at that thread, Wow that was an eye opener. At the moment nothing apart from the capacitors look bad so I will not touch it until I get some new ones
                                Last edited by migu3l; 08-28-2010, 01:38 AM.


                                  Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                                  good luck finding the rubycon caps.
                                  something extreme like MZZ arent they?


                                    Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                                    Originally posted by migu3l View Post
                                    Why did you recommend me to read up on IC Chips? Are you suggesting the problem is bigger than I think?
                                    He was implying that if you continue to use the system you will need to read up on how to replace MOSFETS and IC chips when they burn up

                                    Before placing your capacitor order do post exactly what you intend to buy here, the system is quite demanding on the capacitors, just any wont make do...
                                    "The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it."


                                      Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360


                                      It is a mix of Rubycon and nichicon capacitors. The Rubycons have MFZ on them. The nichicon doesnt list additional info except H0732

                                      @Per Hansson

                                      I plan to buy Rubycon MCZ 6.3v 820uF to replace the Rubycon MFZ 6.3v 820uF AND the Nichicon 6.3v 820uF capacitors.
                                      They are roughly the same dimensions to the current ones although the current caps are taller (both Rubycon and Nichicon caps are roughly 22mm tall and 7mm in diameter).

                                      I also plan to order the Rubycon MCZ 16v 1500uF to replace the current 16v 1500uF capacitor.
                                      The current one does not have a brand on it, the other details it says on it is 105 deg C FL and it has a logo of an M with a circle around it.
                                      The dimensions are again quite similar.

                                      Again I appreciate all the comments and info from you guys.

                                      Last edited by migu3l; 08-28-2010, 04:15 AM.


                                        Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                                        Originally posted by migu3l View Post
                                        The nichicon doesnt list additional info except H0732
                                        07 = year 2007
                                        32 = week 32
                                        My guess is they are HN or HZ series.
                                        Should be written on them somewhere. - If not they may be counterfeits.

                                        Originally posted by migu3l View Post
                                        I plan to buy Rubycon MCZ 6.3v 820uF to replace the Rubycon MFZ 6.3v 820uF AND the Nichicon 6.3v 820uF capacitors.
                                        MCZ should be fine.

                                        Originally posted by migu3l View Post
                                        The current one does not have a brand on it, the other details it says on it is 105 deg C FL and it has a logo of an M with a circle around it.
                                        The "M" = Matsushita = Panasonic
                                        The FL is the series.
                                        MCZ is fine for those too.

                                        I think MFZ are just a RoHs compliant replacement for MBZ and/or MCZ.

                                        Attached Files
                                        Last edited by PCBONEZ; 08-28-2010, 06:58 AM.
                                        Mann-Made Global Warming.
                                        - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.

                                        Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

                                        - Dr Seuss
                                        You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.


                                          Re: Identifying badcaps in a Xbox360

                                          Awesome, great to hear they should work.

                                          Thanks PCBONEZ. Your help has been invaluable.

                                          Now for the waiting game

