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HP 6730S very strange problem

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    HP 6730S very strange problem

    hi i have a big strange problem with a laptop of a customer
    it's an hp 6730S
    it hangs at the HP logo with the message “press the esc key …..”
    when i press the esc or any key nothing happen . it hangs there
    i ‘m an electronic engeneer specialised in laptop repair ! so i have programmed the eeprom but the problem is the same . dismounted the laptop ,changed the processor , the memory , changed a new eeprom chip but the problem is the same.i have changed the chipset too.
    so i decided to reboot the laptop , to press the esc key and to wait . after 40 min it goes to the setup . i have tried every thing there but after rebooting the same thing happend and must wait for 40 min again to see it going to setup . i putted a virtual windows on a cd and after 40 min it boots on it and begins to load windows but veryyyyyyyyy veryyyyyyy slowly until it rises the windows desk …
    strange problem.
    now i have 2 HP6730S with the same problem
    can someone help me ?

    Re: HP 6730S very strange problem

    Have you tried swapping out the hard drive and CD rom?...

    If this still doesnt work with new HDD - then you should also try to bench the board with nothing attached, except the RAM, CPU, Keyboard and Screen.

    You should also treat the keyboard as suspect incase it is faulty and sending some incorrect signals to the board, so remove it and try to boot the machine again...

    please report back with findings if at all possible...


      Re: HP 6730S very strange problem

      Maybe its overheating and downclocking the cpu ery low?


        Re: HP 6730S very strange problem

        i'm working with only the motherboard on my desk without nothing attached . only an external keyboard and monitor


          Re: HP 6730S very strange problem

          Sounds like a dead/dying hard drive to me. Swap out the SATA HD and try an OS re-install from scratch.


            Re: HP 6730S very strange problem

            I agree.
            A dud HDD is a definite possibility.

            A dud drive and no drive can throw the same symptoms.
            Try it on the desk with a known good drive.

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            - Dr Seuss
            You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.

