Hello there I have a Zbook 17 g2 with la-b391p
I lost the original bios.bin
I did install stupidly only once the main bios-chip backward then I changed the bios-chip with a new one
I don't know what is my me-version
And I don't know if I haven't DMI in bios .bin it brings failure or not?
I have only EC original .bin
I tried some bois files but after some blinking led's it goes on high-speed fan and no display
before my manipulation, it was working very well.
I don't know if I damaged some parts like PCH or it is just the bios has a problem
there is no specific schematic and boardview for this laptop but I found a similar schematic i uploaded it here maybe it helps
What should I do
I appreciate your help
[MOD EDIT] Link to schematic -> https://www.badcaps.net/forum/troubl...p-schematic
I lost the original bios.bin
I did install stupidly only once the main bios-chip backward then I changed the bios-chip with a new one
I don't know what is my me-version
And I don't know if I haven't DMI in bios .bin it brings failure or not?
I have only EC original .bin
I tried some bois files but after some blinking led's it goes on high-speed fan and no display
before my manipulation, it was working very well.
I don't know if I damaged some parts like PCH or it is just the bios has a problem
there is no specific schematic and boardview for this laptop but I found a similar schematic i uploaded it here maybe it helps
What should I do
I appreciate your help
[MOD EDIT] Link to schematic -> https://www.badcaps.net/forum/troubl...p-schematic