I think i've messed up this laptop, originally he was booting, but has a dead screen, keyboard, and one USB port.
I've replaced all, and everything was working, but after putting it back together, it didn't power up.
I've disassembled it , remove battery + cmos reset, and let it unplugged a whole night. It then power up for like a minute (I was on windows screen) then shutdown.
Since, I'm not able to power at all (only once, I've got keyboard lights + fan spinning for maybe 10s, then shutdown).
Battery is fully charged at 16v, cmos battery is 3.2v.
The only thing I got now is the charging led indicator blue for 10s, then quickly blink orange and go back to blue. I cannot found corresponding error code.
I dont see trouble at visual inspection.
I've randomly checked for shorts.
I've did a good IPA cleaning.
What can I do next ? I've found schematics here , motherboard is gh51m la-k862p.
I've got multimeter, DC power supply, ch341a for bios.
Thanks for your help =)
I think i've messed up this laptop, originally he was booting, but has a dead screen, keyboard, and one USB port.
I've replaced all, and everything was working, but after putting it back together, it didn't power up.
I've disassembled it , remove battery + cmos reset, and let it unplugged a whole night. It then power up for like a minute (I was on windows screen) then shutdown.
Since, I'm not able to power at all (only once, I've got keyboard lights + fan spinning for maybe 10s, then shutdown).
Battery is fully charged at 16v, cmos battery is 3.2v.
The only thing I got now is the charging led indicator blue for 10s, then quickly blink orange and go back to blue. I cannot found corresponding error code.
I dont see trouble at visual inspection.
I've randomly checked for shorts.
I've did a good IPA cleaning.
What can I do next ? I've found schematics here , motherboard is gh51m la-k862p.
I've got multimeter, DC power supply, ch341a for bios.
Thanks for your help =)