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Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H, NM-D281 Rev: 1.0 not work with the battery

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    Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H, NM-D281 Rev: 1.0 not work with the battery

    Hello. Lenovo Legion 5 15ARH05H, NM-D281 Rev: 1.0 board
    Initially dead. Inspection: the board was not touched, on EC IT8227E-192 2101-CXA there is a mini-burnout.
    Replaced with the same one, flashed the EC with the official firmware (had to solder to the pins), left the main firmware (Gigadevice 25LB128DSIG) original.
    When connecting the charger, the device started, gave picture and works, checked all the functions - ok.
    Connected the original battery. Only on the battery the device starts for a second, lights up the keyboard backlight and turns off.
    When connecting the charger (with the battery connected) lights up orange charge LED, AutoStart (as it should be without an RTC battery), lights up the keyboard backlight, turns off, AutoStart again and then repeats the cycle, that is, it does not want to work with the battery. I looked to see if the charger (BQ24780S) gives a PWM signal, there are pulses on the PL101 charge coil and they disappear in time with the above cycle. I think the battery is from 2020 year and threw in a new battery - same behavior. There is an EC exchange with the battery. I checked the charging circuits - I did not find anything criminal. The input mosfets PQ101, PQ102 are ok. The charger, batfet PQ103 is ok, I changed it - same behavior. Power supply original 230 watts, tried external power supply with the corresponding 4.65 kOhm resistor from ID to ground, same behavior. Please advice

    Carefully measure the voltage to ground of each pin on the battery connector (JBATT1).

    Interested in:

    EC_SMCA ; pin 5
    EC_SMDA ; pin 6

    voltage measurements.


      JBATT1: 1-4pins VMB +14,1v, 5pin EC_SMCA pulses (photo), 6pin EC_SMDA pulses (photo), 7pin BATT_TEMP_IN 0v


        So the SMBUS lines are not shunted and are not at fault.

        Disconnect the power adapter. Attach only the battery. Measure the voltage to ground on pin # 28 (Vcc) of the charger IC @ PU101.

        Carefully also measure the voltage to ground on each pin of PD101 (dual common cathode diode). We are confirming if this dual diode is working properly to power the charger IC.


          Charged battery (in this unnormal cycle mode) to about 15v and now voltages at PD101: 1pin 780S_VCC_R 14,74v, 2pin VIN 0,002v, 3pin BATT+ 14,93V


            Measured all signals on the charger BQ24780S, comment please. Thank you.

