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MacBook Air A1932 820-01521-02

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    MacBook Air A1932 820-01521-02


    I am trying to repair the laptop mentioned in the title. I have been searching posts looking for readings similar to mine but cannot find any. I am fairly new at this so please be gentle 🏳

    No water damage, screen cracked. Laptop doesn't draw any amps on USB meter from either USB C port. Removed the board, same no amp draw. No standby light on the board. Apart from dust board looks great! No obvious visible burnt components. At the moment I dont have a Mac charger, its on the way. I am using a samsung USB C charger which should get the board on at least? Unless I'm mistaken?

    I have measured the following after checking the fuses F3000 and F3010, both seem fine showing 5v and continuos when connected to their corresponding USB C port.

    PPBUS_G3H= 0.428v
    PPBUS_HS_CPU= 0.427v
    PPDCIN_G3H= 5.034v
    PP5V_G3S= 0v

    PP5V_G3S = resistance with no power, + to GND = 0.10 M ohm & dropping, diode mode RED PROBE to GND 0.423v

    Fuse Diode Readings 0.183
    F3010 is 5.040V
    F3000 is 5.040V.

    U3100 LDO Diode Mode Readings

    PP1v8_UPC_XA_LDOD is 0.493
    PP1V1_UPC_XA_LDO_BMC is 0.529
    PP3V3_UPC_XA_LDO is 0.509
    PP1v8_UPC_XA_LDOA is .533

    Any help is appreciated. I theres anything else I should measure? I have checked the above for shorts and none found. I dont have a thermal camera yet, just need to sell a kidney first.🤔

    Thank you

    PPBUS_G3H= 0.428v
    Remove all power. Meter in resistance mode. Measure the resistance to ground of PPBUS_G3H.


      Hi mon2,

      PPBUS_G3H = 8.3 mohm and dropping




          Thank you! I'll run through that and see how I go.


            Check PPBUS_G3H Voltage = 0.428v
            ≈0 V = Short to ground or absent voltage due to a creation problem. Proceed to repair steps below for shorted or absent PPBUS_G3H voltage.

            Just out of interest I measured PP3v3_G3H_RTC Voltage on C3100 and C3200 both 0v,
            however PP3V3_UPC_XB_LDO and XA are both showing 3.3v (C3108 & C3208)

            PPBUS_G3H Absent or Low with No Short
            C7024 or C7026 both showing 5v

            CD3215 Troubleshooting
            R7021, R7022, R7061, R7062 all showing 1.2-1.5 ohms

            According to the wiki, ISL9240 (U7000) chip seems to be the culprit. I'll order a couple along with some CD3215 just incase.

            Thank you mon2 for your help.


              PP3v3_G3H_RTC Low or Absent

              • Diagnose possible shorted capacitor around CD3215 or from CD3215 itself.
              • Check GHGR_EN_MVR signal produced by ISL9240 (U7000).
                • If PP3v3_G3H_RTC is not shorted, check for its enable signal, GHGR_EN_MVR. CHGR_EN_MVR is produced by the ISL9240 (U7000). The ISL9240 commonly fails in a way that prevents CHGR_EN_MVR from being produced. If the enable signal above is missing, replace the ISL9240 (U7000.)


                There are no shorts around both CD3215 chips, I tested all caps around them.
                Yeah this next part was a little confusing, I checked CHGR_EN_MVR (R6960). Wiki doesn't tell you what the signal should be? I researched and found it should be 5v as per PPBUS_G3H which is reading 5v, is that correct ? I'm reading 0.001v or 00.58mv at CHGR_EN_MVR (R6960). I'm assuming thats too low, so it all seems to point to ISL9240 (U7000.)


                  Are each of the power rails on the CD3215 present? The 1v1 rail will only be present for the active USB-C port.




                    It seems that the answer is no, 1v1 measuring the PP1V1_UPC_XB_LDO_BMC on either USB port is 0v.
                    That means both CD3215 chips are bad?

                    Step Source Name of Net Voltage My Voltages
                    1 J3300 PP20V_USBC_XB_VBUS 5V 5v
                    2 U3200

                    (Check these voltages

                    on each CD3215)
                    PP3V3_UPC_XB_LDO 3.3V 3.3v
                    on each CD3215
                    PP1V8_UPC_XB_LDOA 1.8V 1.8v
                    PP1V8_UPC_XB_LDOD 1.8V 1.8v
                    PP1V1_UPC_XB_LDO_BMC (On active port after reading TBT ROM)
                    BMC stands for "Binary Mark Code" which is a communication protocol for PD interface.

                    Lack of this LDO is a clear indicator that either cd3215 is failed or its bootcode is corrupted
                    1.1V 0v
                    3 U3200 HV_GATE1 High(5v, later 20V)(Air 10v, later 20V) 10v
                    U3200 HV_GATE2 High(5v, later 20V)(Air 7.8v, later 20V) 6.19v
                    4 Q3200 PPDCIN_G3H 5V 5v
                    5 U7000 TBA_VDDA (PPCHGR_VDDA) 5V 5v
                    6 U7000 PM_EN_P3V3_G3H (NC_CHGR_EN_VR1) 3.3V (5V on many boards) Not too sure about this, points to U7000 chip and then maybe PPBUS_G3H = 0.427v or PPDCIN_G3H_CHGR_AMON = 5v.
                    Couldnt find
                    7 U6903 PP3V3_G3H 3.3V 0v
                    8 U5000 PP1V2_G3H_SMC_VDDC or PP1V2_S5_SMC_VDDC 1.2V couldnt find these in the schematics
                    9 U5165 PP3V0_G3H_AVREF_SMC or PP3V0_S5_AVREF_SMC 3.0V couldnt find these in the schematics
                    9.1 U7000 SMC_RST 3.3v couldnt find these in the schematics
                    10 U5000 SMBUS_SMC_4_G3H_SCL 3.3V (clock) couldnt find these in the schematics
                    U5000 SMBUS_SMC_4_G3H_SDA 3.3V (data) couldnt find these in the schematics
                    11 U3200 USB_XB_CC1 (USBC_XB_CC1) 0.8V (data) (verify) 0.8v
                    U3200 USB_XB_CC2 (USBC_XB_CC2) 0.8V (data) (verify) 0.8v
                    12 J3300 PP20V_USBC_XB_VBUS 20V 5v
                    J3300 PP20V_USBC_XB_VBUS 20V 5v
                    13 J3300 HV_GATE1 >20V couldnt find these in the schematics
                    J3300 HV_GATE2 >20V couldnt find these in the schematics
                    14 Q3200 PPDCIN_G3H 20V 5v
                    15 R7015 TBA_AUX_DET 5V CHGR_AUX_DET = 0.4v - 1.1v, this one was jumping all over in the range noted above
                    16 U7000 SMC_RST_L 3.3 (verify) closest was CHGR_RST_IN = 0v
                    17 U7000 Q7030 Q7040 opening Unknown (low maybe)


                      USB-C is a reversible interface. There is a top half of the blade and a bottom half of the same connector blade.

                      Attempt the following:

                      a) unplug the power adapter from the mains (AC) socket. This is desirable so that the power supply is not 'hot' on the USB-C port.
                      b) unplug the USB-C cable and rotate it by 180 degrees. Insert into the same USB-C connector on the logic board.
                      c) now plug in the mains (AC) socket to power the adapter.

                      Now do you see the 1v1 power rail for the BMC circuit? Repeat for the other CD3215.

                      If still no go, remove all power. Meter in resistance mode.

                      Measure the resistance to ground on this PP1V1_UPC_XB_LDO_BMC rail. What is the exact resistance to ground? If the resistance is very low, this low current power rail will fail to function.

                      Suggest to also review the USB-C connector on the paddle boards that are onboard the logic board. Be sure they are clean of debris; suggest to wipe the contacts with a cotton swab and IPA (alcohol).


                        I repeated the procedure exactly as you advised.
                        PP1V1_UPC_XB_LDO_BMC = 0v (C3204)
                        PP1V1_UPC_XA_LDO_BMC = 0v (C3104)

                        Measure the resistance to ground on this
                        PP1V1_UPC_XB_LDO_BMC = 200.7 kohm (C3204)
                        PP1V1_UPC_XA_LDO_BMC = 201.5 kohm (C3104)

                        I inspected the USB C paddles and both connector on the logic board and USB board, cleaned all, they looked ok and the connectors no debris. (see pics, FYI residue on the board is IPA)
                        I re-did the entire procedure after cleaning, same readings as above.

