i there , i got this aspire on the bench and have a abnormal situation.
PQ52 source is 19 v olts but drain is oscilation between 10 and 13 volts , alltough both gates are 19 volts .. lifted the leg of the gate of the pq52 and now machine turn on . but still having one problem
IF dc jack is connected to the board , and i insert the batter , batteyr start charging and machine turn on normally and led charging is showing that is charging and battery is currently charging .
IF dc is not attached , i insert the battery , then if i insert the dc jack with the battery allready inserted the machine start to blink the LED (turned on led) but on orange . and machine dont turn on .
im a bit stuck thinking is could be the ISL , but not the problem , something around dc detect maybe . any help will be welcome
PQ52 source is 19 v olts but drain is oscilation between 10 and 13 volts , alltough both gates are 19 volts .. lifted the leg of the gate of the pq52 and now machine turn on . but still having one problem
IF dc jack is connected to the board , and i insert the batter , batteyr start charging and machine turn on normally and led charging is showing that is charging and battery is currently charging .
IF dc is not attached , i insert the battery , then if i insert the dc jack with the battery allready inserted the machine start to blink the LED (turned on led) but on orange . and machine dont turn on .
im a bit stuck thinking is could be the ISL , but not the problem , something around dc detect maybe . any help will be welcome