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Alienware m9700 Motherboard / VRM Troubleshoot

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    Alienware m9700 Motherboard / VRM Troubleshoot

    Seems like some pretty knowledgeable people here dealing with electronics.

    I am having a problem with an Alienware m9700 notebook which hasn't worked in about a year and I want to start a project to resurrect it. Obviously I have another notebook to use, this is a project I WANT to do and am looking for anyone who might be able to help direct me on steps I can take to diagnose and fix the problem.

    The problem started with a bad AC adapter. The tip was loose on the DC jack which must have led to a problem. Essentially it was overheating and then it shut off and has never come back on since.

    The AC adapter has been replaced and the replacement tested for correct voltage with a multimeter.

    I also tested with a new fully charged battery without the AC adapter and get the same result with either.

    Basically when I attempt to turn on the notebook, the power light comes on, I hear the heatsink and fans try to engage, but then everything shuts off and nothing. The motherboard does not attempt to boot.

    When watching the fans when the power button is pushed, they jerk slightly and then everything shuts off.

    Although there is no response with the motherboard, the power button remains a solid (orange) color.

    I read somewhere else that if the motherboard doesn't respond and the fans jerk slightly and then there is no attempt to boot, that the problem is most likely a VRM or motherboard short.

    It seems to be likely that I may have a VRM (voltage regulator module) problem or bad capacitors caused from using a bad connection between the AC adapter and the DC jack.

    How would I go about testing whether the VRM is working or not with a multimeter? Not sure how I can test it if the motherboard keeps shutting the power down (obviously if there was power to the heatsink fan I could test it there), but there isn't any power going to anything other than the power button it seems.

    Or better yet, how can I test the power button to see if that may be the problem?

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    As far as my electronic experience.. I worked soldering components to motherboards for a company for a couple of years, so Im not really afraid to do that. I am however unsure how to troubleshoot with a multimeter and need some help in that direction.

    Re: Alienware m9700 Motherboard / VRM Troubleshoot

    Oh, I forgot to note. The motherboard does sent power to the DVD drive. When I push the power button, the DVD drive light does flash, but it goes off along with everything else once the initial boot attempt fails.

    the DVD drive is located on the opposite side of the motherboard from the DC Jack, so obviously power is cycling to it from the back of the motherboard somehow.


      Re: Alienware m9700 Motherboard / VRM Troubleshoot

      I stripped the m9700 down to the bare motherboard and chassis. Cleaned every component and the motherboard with cotton swaps with 91% rubbing alcohol.

      Reseated everything, new AS5 thermal grease applied, reassembled.

      Same result.

      In the meantime, I did a ton of reading about 'solid amber' power lights.

      Seems the solid amber is related to CPU. Either the CPU, CPU fan, or CPU not getting power.

      All 3 of those will result in a solid amber power light.

      So now I have to try and eliminate which is causing the problem. CPU chip going bad, weak or no voltage to the CPU chip, or the heatsink fan having gone bad.

      How can I test the CPU chip and the heatsink to see whether or not they are good without having another notebook to test them in?


        Re: Alienware m9700 Motherboard / VRM Troubleshoot

        romes, did you find out what the problem was with your laptop? I'm assuming bad mobo? I have the same issue with my 9700. Did you repair it? If so how and how much did it set you back?



          Re: Alienware m9700 Motherboard / VRM Troubleshoot

          I have a similar problem with an Alienware laptop. It's at home so I can't check for sure, but I believe it is an M9700. Power LED comes on then fans for a second or two, but no other signs of life. In looking around the web, most of the comments I found pointed at the video card. Alienware makes an interchangeable video card for this system. Apparently, it can't take heat.

          It's been sitting for about a month. I eventually intend to pull the video card and go over solder joints to see if that helps. I'm leary of buying an $89 replacement that may or may not work... or of paying $400 for one that definitely will work, when it could be the motherboard as well ($500). Of course, Dell, who bought Alienware no longer supports this model.

          I replaced it with a homebrewed desktop system for about 1/3 of the original m9700 price and easily twice the performance. Maybe some day I'll get around to that video card.


            Re: Alienware m9700 Motherboard / VRM Troubleshoot

            So Did you eventually resolve the issue with your alienware? I have the same exact issue....please help me if you can..
            Originally posted by romes View Post
            I stripped the m9700 down to the bare motherboard and chassis. Cleaned every component and the motherboard with cotton swaps with 91% rubbing alcohol.

            Reseated everything, new AS5 thermal grease applied, reassembled.

            Same result.

            In the meantime, I did a ton of reading about 'solid amber' power lights.

            Seems the solid amber is related to CPU. Either the CPU, CPU fan, or CPU not getting power.

            All 3 of those will result in a solid amber power light.

            So now I have to try and eliminate which is causing the problem. CPU chip going bad, weak or no voltage to the CPU chip, or the heatsink fan having gone bad.

            How can I test the CPU chip and the heatsink to see whether or not they are good without having another notebook to test them in?


              Re: Alienware m9700 Motherboard / VRM Troubleshoot

              please let me know how you resolved this issue if you eventually did.


                Re: Alienware m9700 Motherboard / VRM Troubleshoot

                My m9700 had a bad hard drive that made all that happen. remove all drives. and try only one ram at a time alternating slots

