Lenovo Ideapad 330S-14IKB Model: 81F4
Motherboard: 330S_KBL_MB_V09 Rev: MP (PN: 431204237090) (5B20S69494)
Has been working till now for two months after cleaning water damage.
Problem: does not power on. No consumption.
19-20V present.
3.3V and 5V not present.
No power around EC.
Missing ILIM, ACOK... on the charger. No EN nor PGOOD on the 3/5V power supplies.
Charger BQ24780SRUYT (U5901):
<1>ACN: 19.78V
<2>ACP: 19.78V
<3>CMSRC: 19.68V
<4>ACDRV: 24.6V
<5>ACOK: 0.01V
<6>ACDET: 2.36V
<7>IADP: 0V
<8>IDCHG: 0V
<9>PMON: 0V
<10>PROCHOT/: 0.26V
<11>SDA: 0.01V
<12>SCL: 0.01V
<13>CMPIN: 0V
<15>BATPRES/: 0V
<16>TB_STAT/: 0.01V
<17>BATSRC: 0.22V
<18>BATDRV: 0.24V
<19>SRN: 0.22V
<20>SRP: 0.22V
<21>ILIM: 0V-0.003V
<22>GND: 0V
<23>LODRV: 0V
<24>REGN: 5.95V
<25>BTST: 5.62V
<26>HIDRV: 0.21V
<27>PHASE: 0.22V
<28>VCC: 19.51V
+V5P0A power supply (U6001):
<1>BOOT: 0.005V
<2>LX1: 0.018V
<3>LX2: 0.018V
<4>PGND: 0V
<5>VIN: 19.80V
<6>EN: 0.016V
<7>PGOOD: 0.017V
<8>AGND: 0V
<9>VCC: 0.017V
<10>VOUT: 0.017V
<11>LDO: 0.010V
<12>CLK: 0.014V
+V3P3A power supply (U6002):
<1>BOOT : 0V
<2>LX1 : 0V
<3>LX2 : 0V
<4>PGND : 0V
<5>VIN : 19.79V
<6>EN : 0.009V
<7>PGOOD: 0V
<8>AGND : 0V
<9>VCC : 0V
<10>VOUT: 0V
<11>BYP : 0.018V
<12>ILMT: 0.021V
I don't have the schematic/boardview for the exact model but for a similar one: schematic, boardview.
Any pointers where to start? Bear in mind I'm a novice.
Motherboard: 330S_KBL_MB_V09 Rev: MP (PN: 431204237090) (5B20S69494)
Has been working till now for two months after cleaning water damage.
Problem: does not power on. No consumption.
19-20V present.
3.3V and 5V not present.
No power around EC.
Missing ILIM, ACOK... on the charger. No EN nor PGOOD on the 3/5V power supplies.
Charger BQ24780SRUYT (U5901):
<1>ACN: 19.78V
<2>ACP: 19.78V
<3>CMSRC: 19.68V
<4>ACDRV: 24.6V
<5>ACOK: 0.01V
<6>ACDET: 2.36V
<7>IADP: 0V
<8>IDCHG: 0V
<9>PMON: 0V
<10>PROCHOT/: 0.26V
<11>SDA: 0.01V
<12>SCL: 0.01V
<13>CMPIN: 0V
<15>BATPRES/: 0V
<16>TB_STAT/: 0.01V
<17>BATSRC: 0.22V
<18>BATDRV: 0.24V
<19>SRN: 0.22V
<20>SRP: 0.22V
<21>ILIM: 0V-0.003V
<22>GND: 0V
<23>LODRV: 0V
<24>REGN: 5.95V
<25>BTST: 5.62V
<26>HIDRV: 0.21V
<27>PHASE: 0.22V
<28>VCC: 19.51V
+V5P0A power supply (U6001):
<1>BOOT: 0.005V
<2>LX1: 0.018V
<3>LX2: 0.018V
<4>PGND: 0V
<5>VIN: 19.80V
<6>EN: 0.016V
<7>PGOOD: 0.017V
<8>AGND: 0V
<9>VCC: 0.017V
<10>VOUT: 0.017V
<11>LDO: 0.010V
<12>CLK: 0.014V
+V3P3A power supply (U6002):
<1>BOOT : 0V
<2>LX1 : 0V
<3>LX2 : 0V
<4>PGND : 0V
<5>VIN : 19.79V
<6>EN : 0.009V
<7>PGOOD: 0V
<8>AGND : 0V
<9>VCC : 0V
<10>VOUT: 0V
<11>BYP : 0.018V
<12>ILMT: 0.021V
I don't have the schematic/boardview for the exact model but for a similar one: schematic, boardview.
Any pointers where to start? Bear in mind I'm a novice.