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Need bios for Hp 245 G7 hagrid-6050A2983601-MB-A02(A2)

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    Need bios for Hp 245 G7 hagrid-6050A2983601-MB-A02(A2)

    i got a flash of back light then no display here is the backup file
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    Re: Need bios for Hp 245 G7 hagrid-6050A2983601-MB-A02(A2)

    Originally posted by nitish300 View Post
    i got a flash of back light then no display here is the backup file
    post the laptop serial number
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      Re: Need bios for Hp 245 G7 hagrid-6050A2983601-MB-A02(A2)

      Originally posted by nitish300 View Post
      i got a flash of back light then no display here is the backup file
      here virgin bios extracted from hp support

      Attached Files


        Re: Need bios for Hp 245 G7 hagrid-6050A2983601-MB-A02(A2)

        Originally posted by smdflea View Post
        post the laptop serial number


          Re: Need bios for Hp 245 G7 hagrid-6050A2983601-MB-A02(A2)

          What worked for me is the following:

          I downloaded the file 084A2.rar provided by qayyum786 then i used the AsProgrammer_2.1.0.13_fix and flashed the bios with this file, once finished i was able to turn on the computer but i was getting an error every time the computer turned on, the next step was to create a USB recovery drive for my computer model, i went to the HP website and downloaded the Bios Firmware for my computer and created USB recovery drive, i went back to my computer and followed the following steps:

          1.- Turn off the computer that requires the BIOS recovery, and then wait 5 to 10 seconds.
          2.- Insert the USB flash drive with the BIOS file into an available USB port on the computer.
          3.- Press and hold the Windows key and the b key at the same time, and then simultaneously press and hold the power button for 2 to 3 seconds.
          4.- Continue to hold the Windows and b keys, but release the power button. You might hear a series of beeps.
          5.- The HP BIOS Update screen is displayed and the recovery began automatically to install the lattes firmware update.

          All the step you ca find them on the following link:

          Once my computer was fixed i created a backup from the bios from my computer and uploaded maybe it will work for you too, My computer is an HP 245 G7.

          I hope it works out for you too.
          Have fun.
          Attached Files


            Re: Need bios for Hp 245 G7 hagrid-6050A2983601-MB-A02(A2)

            Thanks Cronosmx,your file is work 100%...


              Need bios hp 245 g7


              Hello. Can you help me please, need bios for HP 245 G7
              S.N: 5CG119OVMQ
              BIOS: Winbond 25Q128JWSQ


                post the original content of the bios chip, even if it is corrupted..
                Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

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                Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


                  Hi everyone, thanks for the thread. I also need the bios for HP 245 G7.

                  S.N: 5CG9136SRL
                  BIOS: Winbond 25Q64FWSIQ

                  The corrupted BIOS is attached.

                  It was my dumb error. I was experimenting with flashing and re-flashing the BIOS chip with a CH341A.

                  Didn't double check the dump. When I re-flashed, I got an error. Power is there but the screen is blank.
                  Attached Files


                    Apologies if this appears to be spam but I've solved my own problem.

                    I extracted the 084A0.BIN file from the HP BIOS tool and this worked for me without a hitch.

                    I have attached this to the post. I hope it helps someone else.
                    Attached Files

