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Acer a514-54 bios needed

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    thank you very much


      Originally posted by qayyum786 View Post

      S.N:- NXA2ASP00D1301A39C3400
      Thanks the bios is working fine. But i still got the same BSOD problem I think this is a hardware issue


        Working bios required for Acer Aspire 5 A514-54-51A6, NX.A68EK.004.
        NXA68EK0040500C6333400, SNID: 05005073934.
        I had to change the mobo and I am not sure if the numbers are still correct but the bios.bin of the new mobo is attached to this post. The laptop powers on but does not come on, so I can't check the new variant (if any).
        Attached Files


          Originally posted by Luxian05 View Post
          Working bios required for Acer Aspire 5 A514-54-51A6, NX.A68EK.004.
          NXA68EK0040500C6333400, SNID: 05005073934.
          I had to change the mobo and I am not sure if the numbers are still correct but the bios.bin of the new mobo is attached to this post. The laptop powers on but does not come on, so I can't check the new variant (if any).
          Bios extracted from Acer website update for Aspire A514-54..
          DMI 568000 - 569FFF
          KEYWIN 5DA000 - 5DA03F
          Attached Files
          Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

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          Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


            Thank you!


              Acer Aspire 5 model A514-54
              My computer won't turn on. I tried uploading another file to the source but the logo hangs
              I hope someone can help, thank you
              S/N: NXA28SV0092061D2B33400
              SNID: 20611947534
              Part Number: NX.A28SV.009
              Attached Files


                Originally posted by p3k0nox View Post
                Acer Aspire 5 model A514-54
                My computer won't turn on. I tried uploading another file to the source but the logo hangs
                I hope someone can help, thank you
                S/N: NXA28SV0092061D2B33400
                SNID: 20611947534
                Part Number: NX.A28SV.009
                Try post# 64
                Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

                >>>>> <<<<<

                Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


                  Originally posted by peste View Post

                  Try post# 64
                  it shows up on the screen but when booting into windows it hangs


                    Please help me. I need BIOS file for my Laptop.

                    Acer Aspire 5
                    S/N : NXA23SN00312101C673400

                    MB : FH5AT LA-K093P Rev 1.0 2020-12-30

                    Bellow is my BIOS Backup
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by biet507; 06-29-2024, 07:07 AM.


                    Acer Aspire A514-54G-54Y4 powering on and off in seconds after BIOS editing (no backup dump available); neither clean nor any of the BIOS files posted on this thread worked when re-flashing by 3rd-party IT assistant
                    SN: NXABBAL002131004329Z00
                    SNID: 131001074935
                    Model Number: N20C4
                    Motherboard: FH5AT LA-K092P


                    Hi, everyone.

                    I would like to request some assistance here. Please bare in mind that this post may not be in the correct section, so I'd really appreciate it if moderators could instruct me on where this should be posted instead.

                    About 2 weeks ago, I managed to brick my laptop BIOS by trying to unlock the Advanced Menu on Acer's latest v1.34 BIOS for my A514-54G laptop.
                    At first, my laptop simply wouldn't POST, as the LED indicator would only light for about 5 seconds and then would shut off. I tried re-flashing the clean BIOS from Acer's support website through their Recovery Method (USB Stick alongside Fn+Esc when booting up), which only led to my laptop spinning fans at max and no display shown.

                    Further, I decided to have my laptop sent to an IT assistant here in my country (Brazil) to re-flash the BIOS through a programmer, as at the time I didn't have that. This, however, led to no avail, and the IT technician tested literally every single BIOS file posted on this thread, and even a clean v1.34 BIOS from Acer's support website, only resulting now in the first issue of powering on and off after a few seconds back again.

                    Unfortunately, he didn't make a backup of the corrupted BIOS when doing so, so I wouldn't have the 16MB file available for your checking. Nonetheless, as I was doing these moddings in the BIOS and flashing through FPTW tool, I do have an 11MB modded BIOS file (perhaps that's what a partial BIOS image would be called of) that I managed to secure a backup for, which apparently holds some of my laptop's DMI info, if I'm not mistaken.

                    Please note that I'm a complete newbie in this area, and based on what I could gather both on Badcaps and on some other forums, I ended up searching my SN using the Find Tool in HxD Editor on this 11MB file, which was on bit 68000 (hence the 50000 bytes difference from @peste's #64 post here mentioning DMI info on 568000 - 569FFF padding), so I was wondering if, now that I have my soldering kit and programmer set, I should just copy block 68000 - 69FFF from this 11MB backup to a clean v1.34 BIOS and that should do the trick, or if there is something awry here that I can't grasp yet.

                    I should also mention that this 11MB backup file was the one flashed that got my laptop working with Advanced Menu unlocked before I ended screwing things up by changing a bit through RU.efi BIOS shell live editing on VarStore:0x1234 (SystemConfig UEFI variable VarName:0x1A9) when attempting to make the undervolt and overclocking options appear instead of hidden/greyed out in the Advanced Menu). So, this 11MB backup file was indeed working fine as my BIOS running, though I don't know if copying this whole DMI block I mentioned would be enough as there are some bits (e.g., 680EB - 680FA bits) which are filled instead of blank FF bits as there would be on a clean BIOS or on some BIOS files posted here that I've ran through in HxD Editor. Thus, perhaps the DMI info actually only goes to a certain row instead of all the way through 69FFF byte, TBH I have no clue as I don't even know how someone manages to find out that 568000 - 569FFF padding contains that in the first place. At this point, I'm just clueless at what I should look for as corrupted or corrected paddings/sections/bytes/bits/any other term.

                    Currently, I'm facing exactly what @dnytwaryors described on post #23 and they apparently managed to get their laptop booting up and POSTing either through @kalilinux25's #44 post file or @hoaca388's #48 post file, which apparently my IT technician already tried with those but with no luck. I also wonder if I need to re-flash both my BIOS SPI and Super I/O (ENE KB9052) chips as per @kalilinux25 mentions on post #51 (that's why I even bought a ribbon cable to do some soldering on the keyboard's connector and have my CH341a programmer read and write that EC BIOS through that), or if that would only worsen the problem here due to in fact I had instead to check my motherboard's core voltages to see why the sudden shut off, without any need to re-flash EC, among any other possible issues which may not even be regarding flashing some ROM images.

                    Anyway, I'd really, really be glad if anyone could kindly help me with all this, as I'm going nuts already, and the lack of experience, even though having read through most beginner's guide on how to start on this whole new electronics world and digging through some forums' posts, hinders me so much that I can't seem to figure out any other way I could explain my issue here. I also make myself fully available for perhaps a Zoom call, regardless of time zones, if anyone would be kind enough to guide me through instead of typing (as I know typing can take a lot more of our time than just telling it out loud straight).

                    Thank you in advance, and hopefully I will manage to get things working with your help!
                    Attached Files


                      Originally posted by testaccgta View Post
                      Acer Aspire A514-54G-54Y4 powering on and off in seconds after BIOS editing (no backup dump available); neither clean nor any of the BIOS files posted on this thread worked when re-flashing by 3rd-party IT assistant
                      SN: NXABBAL002131004329Z00
                      SNID: 131001074935
                      Model Number: N20C4
                      Motherboard: FH5AT LA-K092P
                      Send to you, good luck !!
                      Attached Files


                        Originally posted by minhdigital View Post

                        Send to you, good luck !!

                        Thank you very much for your help, minhdigital!

                        Unfortunately, I wasn't able to test this new image file you sent me right off the bat because when my repairing kit arrived, I noticed something odd with my motherboard.
                        That's when I realized that what might be really causing the problem was the lack of some mini SMD components (i.e., 0201 RCs and CCs) around the SPI IC chip, as per below:

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0583_edit.jpg
Views:	243
Size:	1.38 MB
ID:	3323232

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0585_edit.jpg
Views:	219
Size:	1.30 MB
ID:	3323233

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	smds_bios.png
Views:	205
Size:	92.2 KB
ID:	3323234

                        All in all, I would like to thank you once again for your effort in sending me some BIOS files to test.

                        I've decided to order a new MB piece to replace mine altogether, as neither do I have the necessary equipment to solder such small components nor the skill for that either (wow, they're really teeny tiny 😅). It's unfortunate, as this could have only occurred because of some probably bad de-soldering and re-soldering process from the 3rd party IT assistant I had my laptop sent to in the first place for re-flashing the BIOS files from this thread when I didn't have my soldering repair kit yet.

                        Well, it is what it is... living and learning, but I can feel more reassured now that the problem wasn't in the BIOS files tested nor my unlocked BIOS one, but indeed something faulty in the MB.


                          Hello Masters! Need Help with Acer A514-54 after BIOS Update Critical Battery Error always showing up when laptop turns on... i tried to change the batt but still same issue. TIA

                          Model: Acer A514-54
                          Boardmodel: FH5AT LA-K093P Rev.:1.0
                          S/N: NXA2ASP00D12319BE13400
                          Attached Files


                          • peste
                            peste commented
                            Editing a comment
                            post merged..

                          Hello, need help!

                          Acer a514-54-344a
                          Problem: SSD not detected when reformatting, it shows no available drive. But in the Bios setup it shows, tried both NVME and Sata SSD.

                          SN: NXA2BSP00A230141FC3400
                          SNID: 23008242834
                          Model Number: N20C4
                          Attached Files


                            Originally posted by michi.boy View Post
                            Hello, need help!

                            Acer a514-54-344a
                            Problem: SSD not detected when reformatting, it shows no available drive. But in the Bios setup it shows, tried both NVME and Sata SSD.

                            SN: NXA2BSP00A230141FC3400
                            SNID: 23008242834
                            Model Number: N20C4
                            Aspire A514-54

                            Attached Files

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                              hi, need help please, A514-54-53CY. Fault: turns on, no display. tried all the bios files available in this thread, now laptop turns on with display but stuck on acer logo. tried with different ssd still same, and not booting with windows 10 or 11 reinstallation usb. attached is original bios file which has no display. thanks
                              Attached Files


                                hi, need help please, Acer A514-54-53CY. Fault: turns on, no display. Now it turns on then off after a few second. thanks
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by repaircentree; 11-23-2024, 05:07 AM.


                                • peste
                                  peste commented
                                  Editing a comment
                                  post merged..

                                Originally posted by repaircentree View Post
                                hi, need help please, Acer A514-54-53CY. Fault: turns on, no display. thanks
                                post the S/N, the motherboard model, etc.
                                Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

                                >>>>> <<<<<

                                Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


                                  Originally posted by peste View Post

                                  post the S/N, the motherboard model, etc.
                                  motherboard FH5AT LA-K093P
                                  SN: NXA4YEK0021380CE943400

                                  btw just tried my laptop with my original bios but now it turns on then off after a few second


                                    Originally posted by repaircentree View Post

                                    motherboard FH5AT LA-K093P
                                    SN: NXA4YEK0021380CE943400

                                    btw just tried my laptop with my original bios but now it turns on then off after a few second
                                    Backup fault.

                                    Attached Files

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