Looking for a working BIOS for GIGABYTE G5 KD laptop motherboard NH50HPMB-0D
There are also markings on the motherboard
SN/ 1TNH50HP000003054018
P/N 6-77-NH50HP00-D04-5C#1GB1
The problem is as follows
The laptop turns on, there is no image or backlight, after a minute the fans turn on, there is no old BIOS dump, please help
There are also markings on the motherboard
SN/ 1TNH50HP000003054018
P/N 6-77-NH50HP00-D04-5C#1GB1
The problem is as follows
The laptop turns on, there is no image or backlight, after a minute the fans turn on, there is no old BIOS dump, please help