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lenovo IdeaPad S145 bios needed

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    Hello , please help

    lenovo IdeaPad S145 bios
    mb FV440 / FS441 / FS540 NM-C121
    rev 1.0

    This is the original file,won't start, help, please!lenovo IdeaPad S145 bios
    mb FV440 / FS441 / FS540 NM-C121
    rev 1.0
    Flash power led?

    Lenovo Ideapad S145-15IWL
    MODEL 81MV
    Attached Files


      Originally posted by nick_rusev View Post
      Hello , please help

      lenovo IdeaPad S145 bios
      mb FV440 / FS441 / FS540 NM-C121
      rev 1.0

      This is the original file,won't start, help, please!lenovo IdeaPad S145 bios
      mb FV440 / FS441 / FS540 NM-C121
      rev 1.0
      Flash power led?

      Lenovo Ideapad S145-15IWL
      MODEL 81MV
      SN PF1Y1ZCY
      S145-15IWL Laptop (ideapad) - Type 81MV

      Attached Files

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          Hi guys, I need your help. After updating the BIOS directly from Lenovo tool, the laptop is not working anymore. It starts (led lighting, fan rolling) but has black screen even using an external monitor. As the only thing I've done was update the BIOS, I think the issue is there. I don't have a backup because I've used the Lenovo tool.
          Laptop: Lenovo S145-15IIL
          Board: GS44D/GS54D NM-C711 Rev 1.0
          S/N: PF1BFQZM

          Can anybody help me?



            Originally posted by gnopa View Post
            Hi guys, I need your help. After updating the BIOS directly from Lenovo tool, the laptop is not working anymore. It starts (led lighting, fan rolling) but has black screen even using an external monitor. As the only thing I've done was update the BIOS, I think the issue is there. I don't have a backup because I've used the Lenovo tool.
            Laptop: Lenovo S145-15IIL
            Board: GS44D/GS54D NM-C711 Rev 1.0
            S/N: PF1BFQZM

            Can anybody help me?

            you have everything you need at post #33
            Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

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            Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


              Originally posted by peste View Post
              you have everything you need at post #33
              Thank you peste.
              What about the data I should extract from the bios backupped?


                Originally posted by gnopa View Post

                Thank you peste.
                What about the data I should extract from the bios backupped?
                you have the DMI range right there...
                Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

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                Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


                  Originally posted by peste View Post

                  you have the DMI range right there...
                  Yes, I've seen it but I don't have a backup. I've tried to save the current corrupted bios and for me it's just full of 0s (see attachment) and therefore I don't the other values to load. It's the first time I try to do these kind of things... 😅
                  Attached Files


                    Originally posted by gnopa View Post

                    Yes, I've seen it but I don't have a backup. I've tried to save the current corrupted bios and for me it's just full of 0s (see attachment) and therefore I don't the other values to load. It's the first time I try to do these kind of things... 😅
                    The bios chip must be unsoldered from the board before writing or reading..
                    do not use the clip, you may have errors..if you do not have anything to unsolder it with,
                    solder wires between the programmer and the bios chip..
                    Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

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                    Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


                      Originally posted by peste View Post

                      The bios chip must be unsoldered from the board before writing or reading..
                      do not use the clip, you may have errors..if you do not have anything to unsolder it with,
                      solder wires between the programmer and the bios chip..
                      At the end, I've managed to unsolder the chip and solder it back after have programmed it.
                      The laptop is now working again but I've an issue: the additional memory is not working. It's not a problem of the memory itself because I've also tried to use another working one and the issue still persiste. Could it be possible that the new bios is not supporting it?


                        Model: 81W6
                        S/N: PF2G4NJM
                        Board: GS44D/GS54D NM-C711 REV:1.0
                        Attached Files


                        • peste
                          peste commented
                          Editing a comment
                          post merged..

                        Originally posted by fabian14 View Post
                        Model: 81W6
                        S/N: PF2G4NJM
                        Board: GS44D/GS54D NM-C711 REV:1.0
                        you have everything you need at post #33..
                        Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

                        >>>>> <<<<<

                        Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


                          Originally posted by peste View Post
                          you have everything you need at post #33..
                          Thank you👍


                            backup lenovo s145.15. api .zip bios lenovo IdeaPad S145 necessario
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by ric000; 01-24-2025, 04:32 AM.


                              Originally posted by ric000 View Post
                              backup lenovo s145.15. api .zip bios lenovo IdeaPad S145 necessario
                              S145-15API Laptop (ideapad) - Type 81UT

                              Attached Files

                              All donations to Badcaps are welcome.
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                                I'll save it in the cip bios, I'll try it and let you know, thanks....I hope it works again


                                  Thanks for the bios that worked, I found that the monitor backlight fuse blew - I installed Linux Mint with the additional monitor connected to the HDMI port. After a while the monitor turns off to restart it I have to turn everything off (Idealpad monitor cable completely disconnected from the motherboard) is this normal or is it a bios problem suitable only for with Lenovo IdeaPad S145 am I forced to use Windows 10???? can you change the bios can anyone help me I'm not very practical..... monitor message 0.9654191 integrity: Problen loading x.509 certificate -65 then starts linux mint LMDE 6 Faye.with Linx6.1.0.12 am64.... THANKS for hoaca388 and EVERYTHING


                                    Help please, Lenovo IdeaPad S145-15IWL
                                    Lenovo IdeaPad S145-15IWL
                                    Model Name (型號):81MV INPUT): 20V 2.25A
                                    SIN PE1DTNUK MTM 81MV004RRM
                                    Mfg Date: 19/08/22 Factory ID: JVHFCT
                                    Manufactured for Lenovo Made in China MO PF9XB9822006

                                    power flash led problem, i have atached the backup from laptop, please help..
                                    Attached Files


                                    thank you, on ur guide there was a link to the bios i need for S145-15IWL 81MV but i could find the post where...


                                      Originally posted by kobra View Post
                                      thank you, on ur guide there was a link to the bios i need for S145-15IWL 81MV but i could find the post where...
                                      Attached Files

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