Hello. There is a device with a motherboard code NM-D151 REV1.0. After updating the bios it stays on the black screen. It draws 0.6a. the fan spins and stops. Unfortunately, there is no label on the bottom of the computer with the serial number I have no chance to reach the serial number and mtm code. I made the DMI section between 1000 and 2FFF mentioned in the forum, but the situation did not change. Please help me...
Yes.It is older though, version 36. If you want to use the newest there`s a link to a guide guide at post #1 showing how to extract it yourself from the update exe.
Go to the lenovo support site,enter the laptop serial number.Find the bios update listed under drivers. If the bios version is E8CN**WW (** is the version number) then yes they are compatible.
hi, I have this lenovo that turns on the fan and the LED when I turn it on, the screen seems to start up but then goes dark, I tried some bios files but I don't know if they are compatible, I am attaching the original backup, thanks
the chip bios is winbond 25q64fw 1.8v
Go to the lenovo support site,enter the laptop serial number.Find the bios update listed under drivers. If the bios version is E8CN**WW (** is the version number) then yes they are compatible.
hi, I have this lenovo that turns on the fan and the LED when I turn it on, the screen seems to start up but then goes dark, I tried some bios files but I don't know if they are compatible, I am attaching the original backup, thanks
Ok I extracted and modified the bios like post number 1, good size now. Programming was ok, I tried multiple bios file but always black screen, not a bios issue for me.
Thank for your time, we can't fix them all
Info : for this model chip Winbond 25Q64FWSIG 1.8v i used an adapter 1.8v 25xx flash for ch341.
I have patched it by myself, write it into the bios chip but still into the black screen... Can anyone verify it the patched BIOS it's should be ok with the data posted above? Thank you!
Its verified OK, you did a good job. Its worth trying an older version as well,and if that doesn`t work start looking for a hardware problem.
I have patched it by myself, write it into the bios chip but still into the black screen... Can anyone verify it the patched BIOS it's should be ok with the data posted above? Thank you!
Yes, but i don't want to made mistakes, because i do not have too much experience with. So is forbidden to ask some one else to help? If yes then plese delele my posts.
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