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HP BIOS unlock tool

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    Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

    Originally posted by tim9 View Post
    Oh BIOS is empty, I think that's the issue. I am not able to read the chip now , It seems damaged. My programmer reads another Winbond chip but not this one.

    I have old bios 1.13 backup. I am attaching here.

    Requested information :
    Model : HP EliteBook G3 Touch i5 6200
    Logic Board : 6050A2892401-MB-A01
    Actually I was able recover it using old backup.


      Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

      Originally posted by peste View Post
      try this..

      Actually I was able recover it using old backup.


        Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

        hi who can help me unlock HP elitebook 840 G4 bios ?
        Attached Files


          Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

          Originally posted by Andriux212 View Post
          hi who can help me unlock HP elitebook 840 G4 bios ?
          post the content of the other bios chip ...
          Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

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          Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


            Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

            Originally posted by peste View Post
            post the content of the other bios chip ...
            Here other bios bin
            Attached Files


              Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

              Originally posted by Andriux212 View Post
              Here other bios bin
              Attached Files
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              Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


                Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                Tried the Mazzif software with HP Elitebook 830 G6 but password is still there. The chip I programmed is 256Mb but the bin file is 32Mb, is that where the password is stored or is it somewhere else. I see there may be a 16Mb file too but if that is the case I don't know which chip I need to program. Does anyone have a clean Bios dump and a picture of the 16Mb chip location please. I have attached the Mazzif unlocked file. Thank you.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by SallyB; 03-26-2021, 10:53 AM.


                  Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                  Originally posted by SallyB View Post
                  Tried the Mazzif software with HP Elitebook 830 G6 but password is still there. The chip I programmed is 256Mb but the bin file is 32Mb, is that where the password is stored or is it somewhere else. I see there may be a 16Mb file too but if that is the case I don't know which chip I need to program. Does anyone have a clean Bios dump and a picture of the 16Mb chip location please. I have attached the Mazzif unlocked file. Thank you.
                  post the content of both 16MB and 32 MB bios, look for the bios chip on both sides of the motherboard.
                  Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

                  >>>>> <<<<<

                  Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


                    Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                    Thanks for the reply. I managed to locate the 128Mb chip on the other side of the motherboard. I have removed and tried the HPunlocker tool and replaced but still locked.
                    Looks like mazzif tool does not work on this one

                    I have attached both files, could someone please remove the password. Thanks.
                    Attached Files


                      Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                      Originally posted by SallyB View Post
                      Thanks for the reply. I managed to locate the 128Mb chip on the other side of the motherboard. I have removed and tried the HPunlocker tool and replaced but still locked.
                      Looks like mazzif tool does not work on this one

                      I have attached both files, could someone please remove the password. Thanks.

                      If you would have read a bit more, you would know that Mazzif tool works on very old laptops and the tool in first post works up to G5 with varying success.

                      I don't think my methods won't work on your laptop so I'll leave it up to peste


                        Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                        Originally posted by SallyB View Post
                        Thanks for the reply. I managed to locate the 128Mb chip on the other side of the motherboard. I have removed and tried the HPunlocker tool and replaced but still locked.
                        Looks like mazzif tool does not work on this one

                        I have attached both files, could someone please remove the password. Thanks.
                        Attached Files
                        Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, click:

                        >>>>> <<<<<

                        Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


                          Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                          A neat tool that has helped me a few times.
                          I do wonder though. Would it be possible to get a Linux version of this tool? I just had to go through the process of installing windows just to use this one tool. I tried with wine but that would not work at all.

                          If you'd provide some code I might even be able to help to port it to linux.


                            Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                            tested on probook 430 g6 and work
                            than you very much


                              Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                              Great, thanks author very much. HP 840 G1, G2 good job.


                                Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                                Originally posted by SysGhost View Post
                                A neat tool that has helped me a few times.
                                I do wonder though. Would it be possible to get a Linux version of this tool? I just had to go through the process of installing windows just to use this one tool. I tried with wine but that would not work at all.

                                If you'd provide some code I might even be able to help to port it to linux.

                                I actually always use it on linux myself (slightly modified to get it working there). Next month I can finally continue developing it. Will keep you in mind and share you the linux version.


                                  Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                                  Have this kind of issue for my HP 820 G2 laptop, and I am not able to finish BIOS verification.

                                  Software - CH341H ver. 1.34
                                  Proggramer - CH341H
                                  CHIP - W25Q128FV

                                  Help, for now after erase I have black screen.

                                  , after programming


                                    Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                                    Originally posted by rethoricalcheese View Post
                                    first check this site to see if your hp is supported for the great tool mazzif has made.


                                    if your model is newer and not in that list, you need to dump your bios, remove password from dump and reprogram bios with modified dump.

                                    For that you need an spi programmer like ch341a or raspberry pi with flashrom or any other similar programmer. A soic8 clip is also useful so there wouldn't be a need to unsolder bios ic.

                                    When you have your dump, just drag and drop your file on my hpunlocker tool and it will create a new file. It will add "_unlocked" to the name of your locked file.

                                    Just program the new file on your bios ic.

                                    This unlocker should work on all elite, elitebook, probook and maybe some other series hp laptops.

                                    For those of you who need to unlock large amounts of laptops, i recommend adding a registry entry:
                                    then modify that string adding
                                    "c:\*location-of-exe*\hpunlocker.exe" "%1"
                                    this way you just need to right click your locked file and select hpunlocker.

                                    If there are any issues, please do let me know so i can improve this tool.
                                    sir this tools very good i c hack many laptop model hp 640 g1 hp 640 g2 hp 820 g1 hp 820 g2 hp 725 hp 745 hp zbook 15 g1 hp zbook17 g3 many more.........u r grade sir


                                      Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                                      bv and fv are same


                                        Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                                        This tool not work on HP elitebook 8770w , and Mazzif tool with shotgun ,show error this motherboard model is not supported.

                                        Regards Devid
                                        Last edited by Arch801; 04-04-2021, 01:48 AM.


                                          Re: HP BIOS unlock tool

                                          Originally posted by Arch801 View Post
                                          This tool not work on HP elitebook 8770w , and Mazzif tool with shotgun ,show error this motherboard model is not supported.

                                          Regards Devid

                                          Try this bios file and report
                                          Attached Files

