Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests
all donations are welcome,
see the donate button at the bottom of the page, or
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Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello, can you help me?
This file I uploaded is a backup and I programmed the BIOS, the device turned off
I returned the file itself and it is still off, can you help me?
It also gives an image with this file, but after the image, the device is reset one after another
model : 19819-1
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Come on now, fix your information under the avatar, namely write the country and the city in capital letters as it should be, and immediately after that I will unlock your bios. If possible, start a new sentence with a capital letter, and put a period after the end. And don't use silly abbreviations like "thk", especially if you're asking someone for a favor. OK?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests all donations are welcome, see the donate button at the bottom of the page, or click on this link to donate via PayPal. Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs. <<<<< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All donations to Badcaps are welcome. Become a Badcaps supporter >>>>>click on this link to donate <<<<< Thanks to all supporters.​ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------