Some helpful information:
When you hold down right button of mouse, you can use left button and wheel as usual.
Click mouse wheel if you want to see all elements on current side of the board.
Space - flip the board,
Tab - switching element/signal tabs
hum , i used it before , and its a total mess , altough its in russian , altough your is in english !!!
i've been using PCB REPAIR TOOL or OPENBOARDVIEW , way bether !
altough openboardview is beeing edited , so new functions will be there soon , bether stik around to openboardview !!
Added support for not encrypted FZ files , you can update the program. Menu: "Help -> Check for Updates", or download new version here
I like it a lot too. OpenBoardView does not run on my crappy work pc (hp compaq dc7800, pentium d 2.80 and ages-old intel onboard video) due to the lack of a supported GPU. This runs perfectly!
Originally posted by PeteS in CA
Remember that by the time consequences of a short-sighted decision are experienced, the idiot who made the bad decision may have already been promoted or moved on to a better job at another company.
OpenBoardView should run on your hardware if you select the OpenGL 1 renderer (Intel GMA 3100 doesn't support OpenGL 3). We would be happy to have your feedback on the matter. (ie. if it works and if it is fast enough)
Sorry for hijacking this thread, if you've any issue with OpenBoardView itself, please report it in it's thread.