Re: What is your testing PSU and what's its story?
I was fooling around blowing more caps, and when i reached the 10v 2200uF slightly bulged Forever that used to be in this PSU, it didn't blow. Because it had nothing left to blow - it was COMPLETELY DRY!!! I will change the remaining Forever caps in this thing as soon as i get back home, as they probably aren't any better than this one...
I'll probably change the primary caps to 680uF too.
I was fooling around blowing more caps, and when i reached the 10v 2200uF slightly bulged Forever that used to be in this PSU, it didn't blow. Because it had nothing left to blow - it was COMPLETELY DRY!!! I will change the remaining Forever caps in this thing as soon as i get back home, as they probably aren't any better than this one...
I'll probably change the primary caps to 680uF too.