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HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

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    HIPRO PSU full of Teapo


    I'm writing this on my Dell Mini, main PC's PSU died. I have about three caps that are puffy, going to do full recap. The PSU is all full of Teapo, and I want to replace with something nice (obviously). I'm looking at the datasheets ATM, but does anyone offhand know what what series caps are compatible?

    Teapo SC

    Teapo SE

    I'll figure it out eventually, but thought someone could chime in a little sooner. Chemicon, Nichicon, Rubycon, Samxon, or other reliable cap appreciated!
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    If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, you'd better vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot!

    Re: HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

    Alright, so far I have:

    Teapo SC = Nichicon PJ, Rubycon VXG, Chemicon LXZ/KZE/KY

    Teapo SEK = Nichicon PS, Rubycon YXA/YXF

    Still looking for caps, but seems like Nichicons will be going in.
    If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, you'd better vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot!


      Re: HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

      Teapo SE are general purpose caps rated for 105C. There are many choices you can use for those.
      Rubycon PX, Rubycon YXA, United Chemicon KME, and many others.
      However, I think entry level low-ESR caps should be better - this is a PSU after all, and there are fairly high frequencies in there.
      So for Teapo SE, I would recommend any of the following:
      Nichicon PM and PW, United Chemicon LXZ or LXY, and Panasonic FC.

      As for the Teapo SC - those are low-ESR, but they are entry-level as well, so choices again are Nichicon PM and PW, United Chemicon LXZ or LXY, and Panasonic FC.
      If the Teapo SC are located on the power rails, though, you can also use:
      Rubycon YXG, Samxon RS, Nichicon HE, and United Chemicon KY
      The following will also likely work (however, they may make the ripple a bit higher than what it was originally when the PSU was working well mainly because they have somewhat lower ESR than the above choices):
      Rubycon ZL, Nichicon HD, United Chemicon KZE, and Panasonic FR and FM.

      Happy cappin'
      Last edited by momaka; 07-02-2011, 04:29 PM.


        Re: HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

        Teapo SE and SEK are not the same.
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        Mann-Made Global Warming.
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        - Dr Seuss
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          Re: HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

          Thanks PCBONEZ, when I originally did a search (which I tried to reproduce, but couldn't find the search result), I found one result that said Teapo "SE(K)". That is the SE.pdf in the first post. Oddly, I compared both series and they seem to be virtually identical. The only difference I found is that the SEs are ROHS whereas SEKs is not?

          And thanks momaka for the suggestions, I came up with most of those series as well. I definitely like the Chemicon KY series to go in place of the Teapo SCs. The only two out of the KY that won't work is the 16v2200uF (12.5mm KY vs. 10mm SC; diameters pretty much have to match as it's close quarters in there) and the 10v1000uF (specs for ripple/imp. slightly less for same 8mm dia.; the 10mm offer better spec, but won't physically fit onboard). These two caps have to be the exact size as originals. The values for the 10v1000uF 8mm are within the ±20% so I'll stick with that, but finding a 10mm 16v2200uF is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Suggestions?

          As for the SEKs, are the PM/PW Nichis better than PS? Still looking.
          If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, you'd better vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot!


            Re: HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

            Also I see Nichicon PW and PS's ripple rating are at 100kHz (PM is at 120Hz). The Teapo SEKs are rated at 120Hz. Would this be where the "frequency coefficient of rated ripple current" tables come in? Or just stick with PM series?
            If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, you'd better vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot!


              Re: HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

              Originally posted by Digital Technophile View Post
              As for the SEKs, are the PM/PW Nichis better than PS? Still looking.
              Looking at ESR/Ripple for caps with the same can size will tell you which is the better grade.
              Won't tell you which has the better cap for the specific application though.

              Originally posted by Digital Technophile View Post
              Also I see Nichicon PW and PS's ripple rating are at 100kHz (PM is at 120Hz). The Teapo SEKs are rated at 120Hz. Would this be where the "frequency coefficient of rated ripple current" tables come in? Or just stick with PM series?
              Use the table and convert it when what you are comparing to is spec'ed at 100kHz.

              Originally posted by Digital Technophile View Post
              finding a 10mm 16v2200uF is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Suggestions?

              Those are always a pain.
              Off the top of my head Panasonic FK but they are hard to find.
              [I think there is another but I'm not recalling it right now.]
              Other than that if a 12.5mm won't fit you'll have to fudge and go into higher grades or [explained below uF].
              An option is the GD series:
              If you tink with PSUs enough you'll eventually come across 3300uF and/or 4700uF in 10mm . If 12.5mm won't fit the only option I know of is to use the 3300uF/16v or 3300uF/10v Samxon RS series sold here. [The 3300uF/16v is in fact a custom ordered size for PSUs. - If you aren't in the US or Canada buy from Big Pope. PM him. He's a member here and the Samxon supplier to BCN. [For that size anyway, dunno about other sizes.]
              The geographic zones are their agreement.]
              I have used those 3300uF RS to replace 10mm 2200uF/16v when I couldn't find anything else and thus far it's worked. I was more conserned with keeping ESR close to original spec than uF and the 3300uF RS often work for that.
              Also if you do PSU's often it's not a bad idea to stock 10 or 20 RS 3300uF 16v. You can stock the 10v too but the 16v work for 10v so you don't -have- to have both sizes to be covered.
              Mann-Made Global Warming.
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              - Dr Seuss
              You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.


                Re: HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

                OH WAIT!
                All those tips about RS would be 'unsolicited'. - You can just ignore it.

                Originally posted by Digital Technophile View Post
                I compared both series and they seem to be virtually identical. The only difference I found is that the SEs are ROHS whereas SEKs is not?
                I didn't look at their specs.
                I just saw that you said SEK but had an SE data sheet.
                Figured you didn't find the SEK sheet.
                Mann-Made Global Warming.
                - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.

                Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

                - Dr Seuss
                You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.


                  Re: HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

                  Originally posted by PCBONEZ View Post
                  OH WAIT!
                  All those tips about RS would be 'unsolicited'. - You can just ignore it.
                  Originally posted by Digital Technophile View Post
                  .... Chemicon KY series to go in place of the Teapo SCs. The only two out of the KY that won't work is the 16v2200uF (12.5mm KY vs. 10mm SC; diameters pretty much have to match as it's close quarters in there) and the 10v1000uF (specs for ripple/imp. slightly less for same 8mm dia.; the 10mm offer better spec, but won't physically fit onboard). These two caps have to be the exact size as originals. The values for the 10v1000uF 8mm are within the ±20% so I'll stick with that, but finding a 10mm 16v2200uF is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Suggestions? ...
                  No, no ,I asked for it

                  I'm going to use the 16v3300uF RS you suggested and the Samxon RL series seems to be comparable to the Teapo SE(K) series, but with added lifetime at 105C (1000hrs vs. 3000hrs). But Alas I am without a 50v6.8uF replacement, soliciting advice wanted?
                  If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, you'd better vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot!


                    Re: HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

                    If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, you'd better vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot!


                      Re: HIPRO PSU full of Teapo

                      Sorry I spaced that part.

                      If I have to buy 50v caps I buy at least 10 to get the price break.
                      That means my choices [ideally] need to work for anything that might come up.

                      For 50v caps 6.8uF and less I use Panasonic KG [from Digikey].
                      Very good ripple ratings and tend to be small so they fit anywhere.
                      [They also used to cost $0.91 for 10 pieces but unfortunatly that's changed.]

                      Over 6.8uF [@50v] I use PW, FC, or LXZ usually.
                      If I can't find what I need in those I'll look for some other 'entry level' low ESR cap with a good Ripple rating.

                      Mann-Made Global Warming.
                      - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.

                      Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

                      - Dr Seuss
                      You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.

