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List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

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    List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

    This is my list of PSU ic pwm/supervisor pin to pin compatible. At least proven work for me..

    1. HY510N <=> WT7510 <=> ST9S313 <=> PS113 <=>RT7501
    2. TOP258 <=> TNY27x/TNY28x
    3. PS223 <=> WT7527 <=> DWA106
    4. PS229 <=> WT7525 DIP 14.
    5. WT7520 <=> EST7502
    6. TL494 <=> KA7500
    7. 2005AZ <=> ATE7520 <=> LPG899 <=> WT7520 <=> ATX2005 <=> SDC2005 <=> CG8010 <=> EST7502 <=> SR6110B
    8. WT7525 N161 <=> DWA105 N161

    I do hope anyone can add more in this list..


    i do need alot wt7525 n161, but i can't found it in my country. and if i ordered from ebay, it's so expensive. $10 each..

    i've read in forum, that wt7525 n161 is replaceable with DWA105 n161.
    That's great, because DWA105 is alot cheaper.
    but i confuse because there's no DWA series ic datasheet that i can find, so i cannot make sure this is really compatible.

    That anyone can find about DWA105 n161 datasheet?
    or anyone can suggest another ic that can replace wt7525 n161?
    Last edited by Per Hansson; 12-07-2019, 04:47 AM. Reason: Updating post with new models 6 > 8 and updated pos. 3

    Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

    Tl494 <---> ka7500
    PeteS in CA

    Power Supplies should be boring: No loud noises, no bright flashes, and no bad smells.
    To kill personal responsibility, initiative or success, punish it by taxing it. To encourage irresponsibility, improvidence, dependence and failure, reward it by subsidizing it.


      Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

      some addition

      7. 2005AZ <=> ATE7520 <=> LPG899 <=> WT7520 <=> ATX2005 <=> SDC2005 <=> CG8010 <=> EST7502 <=> SR6110B


        Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

        addition for number 3.

        3. PS223 <=> WT7527 <=> DWA106


        i found a DWA105 N161 from old delta psu, tested with xigmatek nrp502, and this little thing works flawlessly as replacement.
        so, as an addition..

        8. WT7525 N161 <=> DWA105 N161
        Last edited by Quaddro; 12-07-2019, 03:00 AM.


          Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

          I updated the OP with the new additions, very nice work!
          "The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it."


            Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

            Know of anything compatible with a DNA1005A ?


              Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

              Originally posted by mmartell View Post
              Know of anything compatible with a DNA1005A ?
              Unfortunately, i didn't not find any datasheet about it. so it must be done with trial and error. Maybe, just maybe, dwa105n161/wt7525n161 will work as replacement.


                Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                Does this help ?
                Attached Files


                  Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                  I'm very sorry, i can't precisely predict what is each pin function base on that schematic..


                    Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                    k thanks for looking into it.


                      Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                      Originally posted by mmartell View Post
                      Know of anything compatible with a DNA1005A ?
                      Back in 1998-2001 when I worked for Delta, DNA1001 and DNA1002 were proprietary custom ICs. DNA1005A may be as well.
                      PeteS in CA

                      Power Supplies should be boring: No loud noises, no bright flashes, and no bad smells.
                      To kill personal responsibility, initiative or success, punish it by taxing it. To encourage irresponsibility, improvidence, dependence and failure, reward it by subsidizing it.


                        Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                        I believe you may be right about that.


                          Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                          I know this post if pretty old, but has been helpful to me.

                          HY510N <=> WT7510 <=> ST9S313 <=> PS113 <=>RT7501
                          same as TPS3510, TPS3511, LP7510


                            Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                            Please help Can you replace top256pn by top258gn


                              Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                              Originally posted by asmbin View Post
                              Please help Can you replace top256pn by top258gn
                              Yes, you can, the difference in power.
                              Attached Files


                                Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                                Let's make this thread sticky


                                  Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                                  Originally posted by goodpsusearch View Post
                                  Let's make this thread sticky
                                  All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


                                    Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                                    Thank you!


                                      Re: List of pin compatible pwm/supervisor PSU ICs

                                      I don't know if these are completely same but I've noticed their datasheets are identical(copy-paste) - HY510N and EST7610. I have also compared HY510N and WT751002 datasheets and found that the only difference are PDON_N pin Voltages: 2.0V/0.8V on HY vs 2.4V/1.2V on WT.

                                      It looks to me like either companies behind these have some agreements or they literally steal from each other.


                                      Last edited by tartuf; 01-17-2023, 06:43 PM.

