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Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

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    Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

    Hi all

    This is my first attempt at an LCD repair

    When plugged in the LED blinks 5 times then trys to power up the screen

    Back light comes on for a second then goes off and the LED starts blinking again

    If i leave it plugged in for 5 min then the back light will power up but nothing responds on the TV except off on the remote or button then the cycle starts again

    attached are photos

    can you advise me on where to start as i said this is my first LCD tv as i have only worked on plasma's
    Attached Files

    Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

    disconnect the the inverter board , turn it on, same cycling or different result ?


      Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

      Is it me or is one of those capacitors on the power supply slightly bulging?
      Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
      For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


        Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

        Samai - when the power is removed from the inverter board i get 6 flashes then off for a min then 6 flashes again, no more back light coming on

        tom66 - must be the pic iv triple checked and all look ok


          Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

          there was a screw missing from the PS so some one has been inside here also on the back of the PS there is some stickers, they are not ment to be there so the PS has been replaced at some point it looks like
          Attached Files


            Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

            Check voltages on PSU outputs. Are they labelled?
            Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
            For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


              Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

              yeah they are but i have no way to stick my DMM in when the plug is connected - sorry if im being thick
              Attached Files


                Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                have i got to bridge 2 pins to turn the ps on so i can check voltages at the plug ?


                  Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                  You can just press your probe into the point where the sheath meets the pin.
                  Is there a BN44-####### part number printed on the PSU somewhere? (# = any digit)
                  Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
                  For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


                    Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                    bn44-00156B - im not sure what you mean, if i push from the top i get no readings as its not touching the metal - if i take the plug out i can then reach all the pins to measure.


                      Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                      here is a pic of the connector plugged in my probe wont fit any where
                      Attached Files


                        Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                        Originally posted by noledud View Post
                        here is a pic of the connector plugged in my probe wont fit any where
                        your probe will go into the connector pins, where the wires are


                          Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                          me being thick im getting readings from the mainboard end not the PS end - i will post all in 1 min


                            Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                            I do literally just press the probe into where the wire meets the connector, with it installed. With light pressure your probe will touch the metal sheath around the pin which is usually less than a mm in. You can also use the metal chassis as ground.

                            I don't have a schematic for this PSU unfortunately, but I found this service manual:

                            Page 132 - pin outs.

                            "B" volts - active when not in standby
                            "A" volts - always active
                            Main_PWR_CTRL - on/off signal to PSU
                            Last edited by tom66; 01-22-2014, 11:31 AM.
                            Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
                            For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


                              Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                              If your probe pins are too fat , a lot of people have used a sewing needle inserted into each
                              socket hole and take the reading off the needle
                              Please upload pictures using attachment function when ask for help on the repair


                                Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                                brill thanks

                                ok here they are as you look at connector
                                0.01 - 0.01
                                12.05 - 12.05
                                0.00 - 12.05
                                0.00 - 0.00
                                5.40 - 5.40
                                5.40 - 5.40
                                0.00 - 0.00
                                0.00 - 0.00
                                11.99 - 11.99
                                0.00 - 0.00
                                0.00 - 5.22
                                0.00 - 3.41


                                  Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                                  23. 0.01 - 0.01
                                  21.12.05 - 12.05
                                  19. 0.00 - 12.05
                                  17 0.00 - 0.00
                                  15. 5.40 - 5.40
                                  13. 5.40 - 5.40
                                  11. 0.00 - 0.00
                                  9. 0.00 - 0.00
                                  7. 11.99 - 11.99
                                  5. 0.00 - 0.00
                                  3. 0.00 - 5.22
                                  1. 0.00 - 3.41


                                    Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                                    Are those 12.05V lines testing at 12V or 13V? Just to check, they are marked 13V on pin out.
                                    Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
                                    For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


                                      Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED



                                        Re: Samsung LE32M87BD - stuck in standby - blinking LED

                                        when the back light fires up for a split second they then drop to nearly 0 but the back light goes off just before and they go back up

