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Yamaha Bluray players

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    Yamaha Bluray players

    Got two Yamaha blueray players to check (they were going to e-waste), the other don't start at all (bulged caps in the PSU) and the upper one starts but the display is very dim. Which one is better unit?Click image for larger version

Name:	20240802_120453.jpg
Views:	451
Size:	680.7 KB
ID:	3321292 Click image for larger version

Name:	20240802_121137.jpg
Views:	102
Size:	847.4 KB
ID:	3321293

    Well start with replacing all the bulging caps, inspect the rest of the caps, they should be absolutely flat, a flat one can be bad too but any bulge or leak out the bottom and it's bad for sure. A lot of times a bad cap/s is the only problem, replace and try it.


      If the question is asked which one is better, higher class and more expensive, then this is the A1060 model.


        The dim display could be caused by weak capacitor/s on the powerboard. This is where a capacitor meter would be handy, some multimeters can test capacitors if equipped with that function. The display could also just be wore out.


          Originally posted by nomoresonys View Post
          The dim display could be caused by weak capacitor/s on the powerboard. This is where a capacitor meter would be handy, some multimeters can test capacitors if equipped with that function. The display could also just be wore out.
          Need to chech the PSU, the other (non-powering) unit has one bulged cap. The display is not certainly not worn out, as these were used almost never. Blu ray is an obsolete format in a school auditorium.


            Well replace that one cap, might be the whole problem. Electrolytic caps may last a long time but 10 years is an average lifespan, so replacing all of them would probably not be overkill.
            Last edited by nomoresonys; 08-03-2024, 05:41 PM.


              Here are the Service manuals.
              Attached Files


                This is the BD-A1060 Schematic
                Attached Files


                  No power supply schematic in the service manuals


                    Originally posted by nomoresonys View Post
                    The dim display could be caused by weak capacitor/s on the powerboard. This is where a capacitor meter would be handy, some multimeters can test capacitors if equipped with that function. The display could also just be wore out.
                    No bulged caps in the unit with the dim display. All voltages are ok.


                      You rather have the brightness of the display reduced; you can turn it on using the remote control and pressing the “DIMMER” button.
                      Attached Files



                        No remote control?


                          That's a possibility, I see the remotes on ebay U.S. for about 10-15 dollars but that's pretty far from Finland, maybe you have some nearby.


                            I have a remote, but it does not have the dimmer button. Maybe it's for the other unit? BDP122 is the model. Works with the A1020.
                            A1060 has no -25V voltage to the display unit, 12 and 5 volts are ok.
                            Last edited by Xenon-Codex; 08-13-2024, 09:31 AM.


                              On the original remote control from (A1060) there is a DIMMER button
                              Attached Files


                                I'm not clear which one has the dim display, you mentioned the top one so I thought it was the A1020 with the dim display.


                                  Originally posted by williej View Post
                                  This is the BD-A1060 Schematic
                                  The A1060 is not powering on, I measured the PSU and others are ok but the -24V to the front panel is missing. Hard to do anything without the PSU schematic.


                                    Well how bout some pictures of these powerboards.


                                      Dark one is the dead board from the A1060, white is the working from the A1020.
                                      Attached Files


                                        Try something simple, sometimes heating the electrolytic caps will bring a marginal/bad cap back into specs and the device will work if only for a bit. Heat all the electrolytic caps with a hairdryer for a couple minutes and try the player, don't wait til it cools off, try to work it while they're still hot. Check the solder joints on the bottom, make sure none are bad, search for images of bad joints if needed.

