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Hisense 55H6570F boots, loads then shuts down -

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    Hisense 55H6570F boots, loads then shuts down -

    I have a Hisense 55H6570F that gets the the boot loading screen for android and then shuts down. Oddly I hear a crackle on the mainboard as shown in the picture - nothing looks blown. The tv will boot every time, but when it reaches the loading statge of the anroid logo you can hear crackling on the board and it shuts down. What am I looking for (other than buying a new set) ? Inside the square is where I hear the crackling

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    This is a varistor, lift and bend it , you'll see a burn hole, desolder it, retest the tv, if it boots properly replace with same params the component


      Originally posted by Davi.p View Post
      This is a varistor, lift and bend it , you'll see a burn hole, desolder it, retest the tv, if it boots properly replace with same params the component
      This is not a varistor, but a thermistor for soft starting. Without it, the power supply won't even turn on.


        yes watching better the prints on the body it has no varistor data, and also pcb says Resistor thermal , anyhow must be turned and watched


          reboot at android system never being what you are thinking... eMMC or LED BL.. start with BL. cut the cable of LED - and put in filament normal lamp . check if the set remain on.


            Did you ever get your TV fixed? It's been a few years so you might not even be hanging around anymore.


              Originally posted by jssamp View Post
              Did you ever get your TV fixed? It's been a few years so you might not even be hanging around anymore.
              Did not fix. The issue with these sets is the memory chip, as explained, has a lifespan. The only way to repair is to program and install a new mem chip. I found this video which explained the process. He repairs the boards for 200$ +, I sent this tv straight to recycling.


                Do not trust blindly videos and opinions, the crackle can say something, if no relays are present it must not produce any suspicious sound, in your photo, remove one leg of the yellow varistor, then re test..


                  Originally posted by Davi.p View Post
                  Do not trust blindly videos and opinions, the crackle can say something, if no relays are present it must not produce any suspicious sound, in your photo, remove one leg of the yellow varistor, then re test..
                  It was a two fold problem. That crackle but also the error message of "storage space running out" and the reboot.


                    I have a Hisense H6570G. It had similar symptoms. It would turn on and get to the Android load screen, and sometimes it would get all the way to the start page, but then it would shut off. If I left it off longer before trying again it would stay on a bit longer before shutting down. The behavior led me to suspect an over heating issue, likely a bad capacitor. I opened it up to diagnose the problem and on visual inspection I noticed two capacitors with bulged tops. The location is circled in red below. The other image includes the caps I removed. They are Jianghai JH CD266 series with values 10 μF, 350 V. Itested them with my LCR meter and got in the neighborhood of 6 pF on one. The other was in the nF range. I didn't have replacements in stock so I ordered them. After I get them replaced I will post the results in case any body else has the same problem.

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                      You could have given it a chance by fixing the PB stage and then let the tv work, i heard in another place of an Android tv that self restored its bad structure after leaving it on for several hours..


                        It's now a couple of weeks since I replaced those two caps on my HiSense H6570G and it has been working well. Except many of the shows on it are really dumb. I don't know how to fix a TV so that it doesn't play stupid shows. 😉

