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Sony 85 inch - KD-85XG9505

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    Sony 85 inch - KD-85XG9505

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ID:	3343795

    Hi there all legends!

    I am new to this TV repair thing but i am good at reparing Macbook and PC computers.

    I am on my way to buy this 85" 2019 Sony TV and wonder if this horisontal black lines that gets more visible to the right side is a hopeless case to repair?

    The screen is not physically damaged, TV has been mounted on the wall all the time.


    Panel short likely. Probably not repairable no.
    Last edited by EazyBone; 09-04-2024, 09:41 PM.


      Ok thanks for the answer. Is it possible to get it better by tape method or something else?

      Also noticed you can remove some kind of circuit on the side of the panel but i dont know how this panel looks.

      I am thinking to keep the TV for myself and it is really temptning as i can get it really cheap.

      Is it not strange that the lines does not affect the whole panel?


        Not strange, I have an oled that did this exact thing but after 10 minutes it shuts down and blinks 4x red making it unusable. Wouldn't be surprised if this would also do it.. sonys are odd.

        The tabs on the side are from the first 4k tvs (that I've learned) this probably doesn't have the side tabs. I've pulled apart a F series and no tabs.. this is G making it 2 years later I believe. And I've never actually taped a Sony screen.. so no clue.


          Ok i see and thanks for the info. I will buy it and hope for some luck, will report back here for others to see.

          To tape the clocksides is not a real repair but should it work it is fine to use for me.


            If it stays on, just leave it as it is. But yea let us know


              If the lines does not bothers ok but if so i suggest you not to buy it, not smart idea to get a cinema screen to make the bones experimenting, i think the only method that could work efficently is the driilling job, get a 32/40 and make all types of tests.. who cares?


                I do believe the lines can be annoying but have only seen pictures. I can get a 5000$ TV for 200$ and i am crazy enough to take the risk as i am a repairman deep in my soul and i do often win over the defect item one way or the other.

                I did see something about a drill method, i guess one need to locate the shorted component in the panel and get rid of the short. Which sounds very hard to locate, i guess it could heat up but that is a lot of screen to search.

                Thanks for the reply.


                  No, you can't non obviously see a nanometer component, the aim is to locate the trace between COG area and the row line begin ant break it..


                    Ok, thanks for the info. I am new to TV repair but i do have the time to tire this thing out and i guess this is the very great reward, IF you after much work/time can get a fix.

                    To find this trace sounds very hard, can you measure the short from the COG lines if one puts the effort to it?

                    I guess this does not mean a short to ground, it could be be a short to anything really? I guess that line would differ from the others but then i probably need schematics.

                    Also, blocking the clock signals to get a image without lines seem to be a big no no for you guys?

                    As i said, i plan to keep the TV for myself, this is nothing i plan to sell as a nofix but i can live with a few defects that you cant really see at the distance.


                      $200 is wayyyy to much. I find that to be a mistake. I'd wait for another TV that can be repaired. You can buy it, take it home turn on for 10 min and a chance it'll never turn on again.

                      This is a parts TV.

                      But if you do try.. I'd love to see the results 😃😃😃


                        Yes you are probably right, but if i have some real luck (which i dont but it can happen) this could also be a easy fix if the owner for example did wash it with water that have oxidiced on COGS/board/cables under it.

                        If the panel had been broken from physical force i would never ever buy it.


                          Oxidation? Do you know what's a COG? there are no traces outside the glass.panel, this repair needs to know a bit how it's made a panel.. I feel.smell of money waste..


                            I mess things up with that COG thing which i now see is different, i am new to this but for sure i aint stupid, I am not a native english speaking person.

                            We have those wide data cables glued under heat and pressure connections that could be a part of oxidation, and components nearby if very lucky. Or it could be a T-con cable problem or oxidation anywhere if they used a water based solution.

                            Or am i very wrong?

                            You dont answer on the tape method, is that a bad thing if i keep it for myself?


                              Originally posted by Crawlah View Post
                              You dont answer on the tape method, is that a bad thing if i keep it for myself?
                              the line just on the right side... it is high possible the are damage on the screen glass at the rand, its huge 85.. even if you transport it to yours place could be the damage become more. all up to you.


                                You are out of the road, no oxidation everywhere, check the web for, for example "lcd cof cog" and see what's a cog, there is one broken tft for each broken line, it is inside the glass panel, you can't repair it, only isolate from row, the row will be selected by the opposite gate driver..

                                tape method is not the best as i said, and on a beast of such a measure it's easy one gate driver can't drive the entire row well
                                Last edited by Davi.p; 09-06-2024, 01:34 PM.


                                  Originally posted by Crawlah View Post
                                  I mess things up with that COG thing which i now see is different, i am new to this but for sure i aint stupid, I am not a native english speaking person.

                                  We have those wide data cables glued under heat and pressure connections that could be a part of oxidation, and components nearby if very lucky. Or it could be a T-con cable problem or oxidation anywhere if they used a water based solution.

                                  Or am i very wrong?

                                  You dont answer on the tape method, is that a bad thing if i keep it for myself?
                                  I've done tape on screens like this, and it only made it worse. I've never once fixed a line on screen with tape (probably 10 tvs) and after that point I just stopped using tape altogether. Only to diagnose real quickly.. but usually just disconnect a ribbon will diagnose it. You have like 5 people telling you not to do it and I like how you keep trying to convince yourself.

                                  Like I said If you do, get it cheaper so you can sell off the parts because they likely good. Sony main boards are plagued with bad EMMC issues so the boards go scarce and the price goes up.


                                    I really do appreciate your inputs on this.

                                    It started when I found this on youtube and it seemed easy to get the TV in a usable state but i think i listen to you and will not go trough with thisone as the risk is to high for a fail. I need to dig deeper on this subject and learn how it works.

                                    Thanks all!


                                      Originally posted by Davi.p View Post
                                      You are out of the road, no oxidation everywhere, check the web for, for example "lcd cof cog" and see what's a cog, there is one broken tft for each broken line, it is inside the glass panel, you can't repair it, only isolate from row, the row will be selected by the opposite gate driver..

                                      tape method is not the best as i said, and on a beast of such a measure it's easy one gate driver can't drive the entire row well
                                      So out of curiosity, each black line one can see is shorted in the panel? This does not sound likely if it has been on the wall all the time, maybe like Diah say the panel could have got psysical damage.

                                      A very hard fix could have been to cut all those lines with drilling method and let the other gate driver handle those or is that wrong?


                                        No physical damage, it is a very common issue, maybe due to same old transients, or static electricity discharge around the bezel, a good measure is to never touch tv with naked hand around, especially in windy days..

