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  • nomoresonys
    Originally posted by bohaboha View Post
    Hi I have done new tests on the diodes and they give completely different readings from right to left 3.5, NR , 4.1, NR ,1.2 , NR .1.5, NR a bit strange but nomoresonys they should not be discharged before testing them because it is written there Discharge
    Those are odd readings, not sure what's wrong but that's not what a diode should read, simple diode testing there:

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  • bohaboha
    Originally posted by Diah View Post

    then the issue as expected at MB... the Video source switching on but no data deliver of video so the screen lighting with no image.
    try use set Top box set it to low resolution then use it at this set at HDMI ARC port.. beside it plug USB stick on the root of it media Photo , movies... when you turn on try always the source on RC pressing once atime every 30 second

    if there are no effect on screen then you have issue at the SoC ... look at the downside of MB where the SoC installed if there burn of heating.
    I do not have or can not se the menu to handle the set Top box or do there is a way to do it without seeing the Menu?
    on the backside of the MB there is no trace of burning yet even i felt it was a bit hot for the rest can you please explain it step by step if possible

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  • Diah
    Originally posted by bohaboha View Post

    Hi Diah no change when removing U ribbon it's like you haven't touched anything
    then the issue as expected at MB... the Video source switching on but no data deliver of video so the screen lighting with no image.
    try use set Top box set it to low resolution then use it at this set at HDMI ARC port.. beside it plug USB stick on the root of it media Photo , movies... when you turn on try always the source on RC pressing once atime every 30 second

    if there are no effect on screen then you have issue at the SoC ... look at the downside of MB where the SoC installed if there burn of heating.

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  • bohaboha
    Originally posted by nomoresonys View Post

    Seems like an odd reading, I would lift/unsolder one leg of the one reading 1.7 and retest out of circuit.
    Hi I have done new tests on the diodes and they give completely different readings from right to left 3.5, NR , 4.1, NR ,1.2 , NR .1.5, NR a bit strange but nomoresonys they should not be discharged before testing them because it is written there Discharge

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  • bohaboha
    Originally posted by Diah View Post
    you have U ribbon cable one on each side at the middle of the panel buffer boards.. try disconnect one a time.
    Hi Diah no change when removing U ribbon it's like you haven't touched anything

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  • bohaboha
    Originally posted by Diah View Post
    you have U ribbon cable one on each side at the middle of the panel buffer boards.. try disconnect one a time.
    Hi I have done new tests on the diodes and they give completely different readings from right to left 3.5, NR , 4.1, NR ,1.2 , NR .1.5, NR a bit strange but nomoresonys they should not be discharged before testing them because it is written there Discharge

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  • Diah
    you have U ribbon cable one on each side at the middle of the panel buffer boards.. try disconnect one a time.

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  • nomoresonys
    Originally posted by bohaboha View Post
    Thank you for the link for the Diode Reading from right to left 0.691, NR ,0535, NR,1.7, NR ,1.5, NR all the reads are downgrading no reads are no reads from both side
    just for information those diode had a big voltage of 188v when i test them in my previous post is it normal in the cool side?
    thank you for helping me
    Seems like an odd reading, I would lift/unsolder one leg of the one reading 1.7 and retest out of circuit.

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  • bohaboha
    ok here are some pics hope they are good
    Attached Files

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  • bohaboha
    Originally posted by Davi.p View Post
    i understand nothing, if you have complaints about me, bye bye!
    did i complaint ? no just try to understand

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  • Davi.p
    i understand nothing, if you have complaints about me, bye bye!

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  • bohaboha
    Originally posted by Davi.p View Post
    I don't want to go much ahead with these discussions, i can't say it is the panel 100% , on some models there are failing caps.or diodes in the panel strip boards, this is the hope for you as you can fully restore it, then i want only to express again, how it is light years far watching at a power supply at this type of issue, i only want to say this example to lift you from unuseful tests, when i was troubleshooting my Samsung in the previous month, i also provided power to the chain MB+lcd with a tested atx power supply, no differences! 20A 12v! There is only a secret to reveal for me, how does these tv manages the informations stored in the panel spi flash, since deleting it changes no things.. it's hard to understand,, you can read other topics on how to find and troubleshoot these common issues, last thing, i read last week a Samsung document, where they says they sells panels that came out of production with defects, then they repair short circuits with the use of laser and a special circuit design, this lets me think that those fix are not so durable, but this does not explain well how certain panels produces many bad lines at a time, i read that a portion of the panels are organic substance, also this is a clue that them can vary the working state with age..
    hey bro you didn't want deep but here you were really in the darkest deep ocean you might be right but try doesn't hurt and you learn something or how and in the end it's just a repair

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  • Davi.p
    I don't want to go much ahead with these discussions, i can't say it is the panel 100% , on some models there are failing caps.or diodes in the panel strip boards, this is the hope for you as you can fully restore it, then i want only to express again, how it is light years far watching at a power supply at this type of issue, i only want to say this example to lift you from unuseful tests, when i was troubleshooting my Samsung in the previous month, i also provided power to the chain MB+lcd with a tested atx power supply, no differences! 20A 12v! There is only a secret to reveal for me, how does these tv manages the informations stored in the panel spi flash, since deleting it changes no things.. it's hard to understand,, you can read other topics on how to find and troubleshoot these common issues, last thing, i read last week a Samsung document, where they says they sells panels that came out of production with defects, then they repair short circuits with the use of laser and a special circuit design, this lets me think that those fix are not so durable, but this does not explain well how certain panels produces many bad lines at a time, i read that a portion of the panels are organic substance, also this is a clue that them can vary the working state with age..
    Last edited by Davi.p; 01-03-2025, 03:27 PM.

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  • bohaboha
    Originally posted by Diah View Post
    i just read here Temperature messing and issue describing.... no photos at all... i did solved same issue on 75 size,,, this 70 i don't know if its same conflagration... so please upload clear photo on yours tv whole back and yours MB
    You are welcome Happy new year i start mine with big problem to upload pictures on my windows so i do not get access to my pics i ll try to find a way to fix it just give a bit of time

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  • Diah
    i just read here Temperature messing and issue describing.... no photos at all... i did solved same issue on 75 size,,, this 70 i don't know if its same conflagration... so please upload clear photo on yours tv whole back and yours MB

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  • bohaboha
    Originally posted by nomoresonys View Post
    Go ahead and check all the diodes on top of the board, tv UNPLUGGED, meter in doide mode, expect .3 to ~.7, reverse meter leads for ol or 1.
    Thank you for the link for the Diode Reading from right to left 0.691, NR ,0535, NR,1.7, NR ,1.5, NR all the reads are downgrading no reads are no reads from both side
    just for information those diode had a big voltage of 188v when i test them in my previous post is it normal in the cool side?
    thank you for helping me

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  • nomoresonys
    Go ahead and check all the diodes on top of the board, tv UNPLUGGED, meter in doide mode, expect .3 to ~.7, reverse meter leads for ol or 1.

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  • nomoresonys

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  • bohaboha
    Originally posted by nomoresonys View Post
    Start with a simple reset, unplug all cables from tv, unplug tv from power>press and hold power button on tv for 45 seconds>wait 2 minutes>plug tv into wall outlet and try it. If no joy, troubleshooting usually starts with checking voltages at powerboard. Tampatec explains it here for those that may need it, otherwise what are your voltages there:
    Hello and thank you it is very difficult to read what it says on this BN44-01056A but 400V on the main capacitor on the CNM801 connector 13.08v on the top part and 3.08v and 3.872h on the bottom part
    those values are on the main board and the optical light is lit on the main board
    please try to se if you can read a thing on BN44-01056A

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  • nomoresonys
    Well you can do a little testing or you can ASSUME, your call.

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