I had a thread, but maybe it was lost. Why do these boards go bad. Board is TXNSC1MAUU PANASONIC SC (TNPA5175). I have new buffer boards, but not going to install since I jumped SC50 and continue to have 7 blinking light error code. I now have to bad SC boards and I'm hoping there are enough parts between the two that I can at least fabricate 1 working board. I contacted the repair company tw2002 recommended and they are only 60 miles south of where I live (bonus), however I want to troubleshoot the SC board for component that have failed. HELP with this would be awesome.
PS: Tom mentioned ground screws and suggested replacing them, I found many loose screws on the power supply board...how tight should these be screwed in? Would it be worth buying new screws and washers for SC board from local hardware store?
PS: Tom mentioned ground screws and suggested replacing them, I found many loose screws on the power supply board...how tight should these be screwed in? Would it be worth buying new screws and washers for SC board from local hardware store?