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Philips 50PFP5332D/37

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    Philips 50PFP5332D/37

    The set will turn on and begin to display video, and then goes into protection mode. Blinking red 6 times repeatedly. The set then has to be unplugged, and plugged back in to get it to power up again. The set will stay on if there is no video playing, and just a black screen. When the set goes into protection mode there is a green LED on the power supply that blinks twice then repeats. The chart on the PS indicates the code means Va.

    If I unplug the connector on the power supply that has an output for Va. The set turns on and sound plays. I test the Va output from PS and get a healthy 63.5 volts. When I plug the connector back in and take a voltage reading I get 54 volts. The power supply does have a bulged capacitor, but after swapping it I still get the same results.

    The Va from the power supply runs to a long board on the bottom of the tv. I believe this to be a buffer board.

    I do have some component level repair knowledge, but very new to the Plasma scene. Any advice or suggestions is welcomed, and appreciated.

    Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

    What boards should I change?


      Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

      Posting pictures of the back of your tv showing the boards with clear pictures may help you more with fixing your problem


        Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

        I have included pictures of the back of the television. Also, when I unplug the LVDS cable and jumper pins 3 and 4 on the logic board the screen plays the test patterns correctly, and does not power off. Does this suggest the SSB (small signal board)? The RF modulator housing on the SSB seems to warm up very quickly and obtains a high degree of temperature. Does not appear to be normal.

        Attached Files
        Last edited by dlaroche; 02-28-2015, 05:59 PM.


          Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

          There is at least one bloated capacitor on the power supply. This could cause issues.
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          For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


            Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

            I replaced it with another one and same results.


              Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

              If one is bulged then the others are soon to follow. Its best to replace all of the low voltage caps IMHO to save having to change others in the future.

              If there are others that have gone out of spec but not bulged yet, they will cause problems.


                Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                However, the set plays the test patterns fine. I thought this test ruled out the power supply? The tv will remain on when there is no video plugged into it. It will power off if you try to access the menu or plug video into it. It will play video for about 2 seconds before powering off.


                  Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                  Depends what the SSB requires. If the power supply is unable to regulate well as the SSB draws current this could cause a fault which would not show up during test patterns (panel only uses Vs, Va and sometimes 15V... SSB may require other voltages; Philips usually uses +/-12V and 5V) Perhaps worth checking how well PSU voltages are regulated during fault condition.
                  Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
                  For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


                    Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                    According to the service manual the 6 red blinks is 5v supply. While the front panel is blinking 6 the small card on the power supply is blinking 2 blinks. There is a small chart printed on the PCB and 2 means Va. I'm confused by this conflict also.

                    Looked at the schematics and the SSB does take a 5v supply.
                    Last edited by dlaroche; 02-28-2015, 07:04 PM.


                      Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                      The front LED blinks will not correspond to the error LED on the PSU. That is a different matter entirely.
                      Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
                      For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


                        Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                        Now I'm really confused. Which one is more indicative of my problem then?


                          Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                          You should probably check which occurs first. Example, set your meter up to measure Va. Note that, perhaps, Va drops out, then power supply signals Va error which THEN causes a PSU full shut down and the SSB to think error code 6... OR... Power supply works fine, SSB shuts down w/ 6 blinks but does shut down poorly causing sequence errors, tripping PSU error code 2.

                          To me, it sounds more like choice 2, as the set works fine on test patterns... but don't rule out a power supply with a struggling 5V rail.

                          Examining which order the codes occur in can give you a lot of info.
                          Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
                          For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


                            Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                            The power supply will start blinking before the front panel will. Is this the sequence you are referring to?

                            I just jumped pins 3 and 4 again, and monitored the Va voltage from startup. When the Va voltage came up it fluctuated a bit, and dipped down to 52v, but came back up to around 55v. It is averaging 55v right now, but on some test patterns the Va will drop down to around 52v.

                            The panel sticker is calling for a Va of 63. This is a Samung panel, and supply.
                            Last edited by dlaroche; 02-28-2015, 07:33 PM.


                              Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                              That Va is too low. Test patterns can be quite generous to Va. (Load on Va is generally proportional to the number of vertical pixel transitions in the image. Real content will load more than typical solid colours.) If you try solid colours on the TV via SSB does it still cut out? BTW, Va should be within 2V of sticker rating at all times.
                              Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
                              For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


                                Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                                Va is non adjustable on this unit. I'm thinking power supply rebuild, and go from there.

                                How do I enable test patterns via SSB?



                                  Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                                  I see screws on PSU missing in pics. Are you testing it this way?

                                  All screws in all boards need to be installed and tight as some ground points don't always tie together. Bad grounds will cause all sorts of problems.


                                    Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                                    Yes, I did take some tests this way. I will reinstall all the screw on the power supply and retest to verify my numbers.


                                      Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                                      Unfortunately, with all the power supply screws in I got the same readings.


                                        Re: Philips 50PFP5332D/37

                                        Originally posted by dlaroche View Post
                                        Va is non adjustable on this unit. I'm thinking power supply rebuild, and go from there.

                                        How do I enable test patterns via SSB?

                                        You can try feeding it in video from other sources, and see if it cuts out if the signal is different.
                                        Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
                                        For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.

